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2416 services

Maharashtra: Flat / Shop Transfer

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Apply for Flat Or Shop Transfer Certificate in Maharashtra provided by the Slum Rehabilitation Authority Department. Information about documents required and guidelines to fill the form is given.The Department will Provide Service Within 30 Days.

Telangana : Extract Of NOC Under Petroleum Act Application Form

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Using this application form, the citizen can get a copy of NOC under Petroleum Act. By having the NOC Certificate the Citizen can store Petroleum Products.

Application Form-8 Appropriate Authority For Cadaver Transplantation (AACT), Telangana

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Isdead on account of permanent and irreversible cessation of all functions of the brain-stem. The tests carried out by us and the findings therein are recorded in the brain-stem death Certificate annexed hereto.

Pensioner Login for Jeevan Pramaan Services

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Pensioners to log in and access the Jeevan Pramaan digital life certificate services. By signing in, pensioners can manage their life certificates, ensuring they continue to receive their pensions without needing to visit physical offices.

New Lift Attendant Authorization,, West Bengal

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New Lift Attendant’s Authorization is the service provided to the citizen by the government for availing the certificate to work as an authorized lift attendant. User registration is required for accessing the service.

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Telangana : Extract of ORC Application Form

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Using this application form, a citizen can get a copy of Ownership Rights Certificate, This ensures ownership rights over the Inam lands and also can be used to change the land classification from Inam category to Ryotwari.

Apply for Integrated Social Security Scheme, Jammu and Kashmir

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Citizens who may be physically disabled, widowed, divorced, destitutes, old aged may apply for Integrated Social Security Scheme in a form which has several fields pre-filled, by specifying the required details such as Bank Details and uploading the required documents such as Income certificate, Age Proof etc

  • Registration required
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Haryana: Standing Orders filling and their certification

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The user has to fill information on the portal and upload the scanned copy of requird document with online fee if any. The officers process in online back end process and generate the certificate which can be downloaded by user in his login itself.

  • Registration required
  • Also available at   
    यू एम ए एन जी   
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Haryana: Registration/ Amendment and Licensing/ Renewal/ Amendment under the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970.

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

The user has to fill information on the portal and uplaod the scanned copy of requird document with online fee if any. The officers process in online back end process and generate the certificate which can be downloaded by user in his liogin itself.

  • Registration required
  • Also available at   
    यू एम ए एन जी   
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This service is used to get the Agriculture Land Value certificate which will be useful to get the loan against the agriculture land.