Application for Non Availability certificate for Death, Telangana
"This service can be used to declare the non availability of a Death Certificate. An applicant can request for Non availability of Death certificate under the following circumstances. 1. Death was not officially recorded. 2. Death records are lost at the Dept during natural calamities."
Duplicate Vehicle fitness certificate in Punjab
This services is for Duplicate fitness certificate in Punjab
Marriage Certificate in Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh
Users can register for Marriage Certificate in Chhindwara
Marriage Certificate in Panna, Madhya Pradesh
Users can register for Marriage Certificate in Panna, Madhya Pradesh
Marriage Certificate in Bhind, Madhya Pradesh
Users can register for Marriage Certificate in Bhind, Madhya Pradesh
Death Certificate in Bhind, Madhya Pradesh
Users can register for Death Certificate in Bhind, Madhya Pradesh
Marriage Certificate in Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh
Users can register for Marriage Certificate in Hoshangbad, Madhya Pradesh
Search Death Certificate Online in Kerala
Users can search death certificate online issued in Kerala State
Application form for Dependent Certificate, Chandigarh
Users can download the application form for obtaining Dependent Certificate, Chandigarh
Telangana: Possession Certificate - Application Form
Using this application form a citizen can include his/her property in the Revenue records in order to obtain a loan. This Possession Certificate is issued by a Tahsildar in rural areas and by an RDO in urban areas.