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194 services

Apply for License Cinema Building Constructed Form-C, Puducherry

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

The Government of Puducherry provides approval and licensing for constructed cinema buildings, ensuring compliance with safety and structural regulations.

DigiTHCR Portal, Telangana

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

The DigiTHCR portal of the Telangana High Court hosts reportable judgments of the High Court along with their Telugu translations. Reported judgments can be accessed by T.H.C.R. number, party name, year or volume, case number, neutral citation, order date, and text.

Vehicle Related Services

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH) has been facilitating computerization of over 1300+ Road Transport Offices (RTOs) across the country. RTOs issue Registration Certificate (R.C.) & Driving License (D.L.) that are mandatory requirements and are valid across the country, subject to certain provisions and permissions. Vehicle-related services include such as Vehicle registration, Transfer of ownership, issue of duplicate RC, renewal for fitness certificate, renewal of registration etc.

Apply for Revision of Pension without Aadhaar, Odisha

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

Online application for the revision of pension or Annexure-C without using Aadhaar is a form wherein on providing the details; the pension amount can be revised as per standard norms.

Apply for Revision of Pension with Aadhaar, Odisha

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

Online application for the revision of pension or Annexure-C using with Aadhaar is a form wherein on providing the details; the pension amount can be revised as per standard norms.

Report Incoming International Call With Indian Number (RICWIN)

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

RICWIN module facilitates citizens to report the incoming international calls received with local Indian number (+91-xxxxxxxxxx). RICWIN enables citizens to be government’s eye to report such calls for busting/unearthing suspected illegal telecom setups which cause loss to Government's exchequer and pose threat to national security.

Chakshu - Report Suspected Fraud Communication

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

Chakshu facilitates citizens to report the suspected fraud communications with the intention of defrauding telecom service users for cyber-crime, financial frauds, non-bonafide purpose like impersonation or any other misuse through Call, SMS or WhatsApp.

Member Enrolment in Coal Mines Provident Fund Organisation

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

C-CARES Portal is envisioned to enable Coal Mines Provident Fund Organisation and its regional offices, process and track the claims of the members w.r.t. Provident Fund, Pension and PF Advance and enable the employees to view their PF balances and the status of their claims. Additionally, it also has the details of the family members/nominees of the employee.

Digital Communication Innovation Square (DCIS) under Champion Services Sector Scheme (CSSS) by Dep. of Telecommunications

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

The Government of India unveiled the flagship initiative Startup India, aimed at stimulating the startup culture and fostering a robust and inclusive ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship in India. Additionally, the Digital Communication Innovation Square (DCIS) has been established to bolster the ecosystem for research, design, development, proof of concept testing, intellectual property rights (IPR) creation, pilot projects, and manufacturing. This initiative aims to cover the entire value chain to position India as a global hub for the production of telecommunication equipment and a center for digital communication services.

Organ Retrieval Authorization Form-C Appropriate Authority For Cadaver Transplantation (AACT), Telangana

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

As per Section 6 of the Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994, (Central Act 42 of 1994) for the retrieval, of the under mentioned organs, for the purpose of transplantation from the Brain Cadaver.