Search to find Marriage Registration data and apply online for Marriage Certificate
Search to find Marriage Registration data and apply online for Marriage Certificate
Apply online for Marriage Registration Certificate
Marriage Registration Certificate is provided to the citizen by the government under Special Marriage. This certification helps the applicant thereby making him / her eligible for various government welfare scheme and programs
Apply for Marriage Registration Certificate, Jharkhand
This service is to apply for Marriage Registration Certificate from Department of Revenue. This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Individuals can apply for this service.
Apply for Certificate of Registration of Marriage, Maharashtra
This service is to apply for Certificate of Registration of Marriage from Department of Panchayati Raj and RD. This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. All can apply for this service.
Marriage Registration and Certificate,Himachal Pradesh
An Application for Registration of Marriage and Issuance of Marriage Certificate,Himachal Pradesh
Application Form for Certificate of Registration of Marriage in Maharashtra
Apply for Certificate of Registration of Marriage in Maharashtra provided by the Rural Development and Panchayati Raj of the state. Information about documents required and guidelines to fill the form is given.
Application Form for Registration of Marriage on Date of Marriage in Tamil Nadu
Application form to apply for registration of marriage on the date of marriage under the Madras Hindu Marriage (Registration) Rule, 1967 (Form 1A) in Tamil Nadu is given. This form is provided by the Commercial Taxes and Registration Department of TN. Information about documents to be attached is given.
Apply for Marriage Registration (As per Special Marriage Act), Kerala
This service is to apply for Marriage Registration (As per Special Marriage Act), Kerala
Apply for Marriage Certificate under Special Marriage Act 43 of 1954, Meghalaya
This service is to apply for Marriage Certificate under Special Marriage Act 43 of 1954 from Political Department. This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. All can apply for this service.
Registration of marriage
Registration of marriage.This Services of Planning, economic and statistics Department can be avail through various channels enabled by MP Govt. e.g. e-KYC, LSK, CSC, MPO Kiosks. For more details regarding Kiosk location, required document(s), timeline applicable fee etc kindly visit MP e-District Website.