Issuance of Certificates, Andhra Pradesh
Issuance of Certificates
Issue of Animal Health and Valuation Certificates, Andhra Pradesh
Issue of Animal Health and Valuation Certificates
Document Attestation and Apostille certificates
This service is for Document Attestation and Apostille certificates
eDistrict-G2C Services
Various G2C services such as Certificates - Birth, Caste, Income, Marriage, Character etc can be availed online
Apply for Student Educational Services, Karnataka
Get Services for Student Educational, Karnataka
Apply for Revenue Department Services, Karnataka
Get service for Revenue Department Services, Karnataka
Apply for Driving and Transport Services, Karnataka
Ger services for Driving and Transport, Karnataka
Apply for Health and Drug related services, Karnataka
Get services for Health and Drug related, Karnataka
Pollution Under Control Certificates (PUCC) can be issued by Pollution Check Points (Pollution Under Control - PUC Centers) across the country using the application which captures smoke parameters through API provided by the vehicle manufacturer; if the vehicle emissions are found to be within the norms the PUCC is issued
Greater Hyderabad Muncipal Corporation (GHMC)
GHMC offers various citizen-centric services online e.g., Certificates of Birth, Marriage, Death; facility to pay property tax dues; applications to seek trade, building permits; viewing lists of GHMC playgrounds etc