Online Application for NOC of Vehicle
Applicant may apply for a No Objection Certificate for removing of vehicle from currently registered RTO and registering to other District within the same state or to another state
Issuance of Record of Title (Mutation) by NKDA, West Bengal
The objective of this service is to provide mutation certificate by NKDA. User registration is required for accessing the service.
Telangana: Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration, Govt of Telangana -Property tax online payment
This service helps citizens to view their property details online, download Mutation Certificate, and also pay their property tax.
Incentive for Widow remarriage, Puducherry
To encourage widows to remarry a bachelor/widower to lead a normal life, an incentive of ₹20,000/- is provided in the form of National Saving Certificate. Annual income should not exceed ₹24,000/-.
Application Form for Death Registration Rishikesh Municipal Corporation, Uttarakhand
Citizens can download the death registration application form online, streamlining the process of obtaining a death certificate.
Change of Address in RC
Applicant may apply for changing of Address in the Registration Certificate on submission of Address proof within the jurisdiction of the concerned Registering Authority
Tamil Nadu e-Sevai Portal - TNeGA
Various citizen services can be availed from CSC or e-Sevai Centres such as License & Certificate; Franshisee login is also available to enable CSC Franshisees to administer services
License Renewal for Manufacture of Physical Granulated Mixture of Fertiliser / Organic Fertiliser / Biofertilizer, Rajasthan
The available form can be used to fill & submit Application for Renewal of Certificate of Manufacture of Physical or Granulated Mixture of Fertiliser or Organic Fertiliser or Biofertiliser
Application Form for Death Registration Bathinda Municipal Corporation, Punjab
This service allows residents to register a death and apply for a death certificate within 21 days of the event, ensuring legal documentation and compliance with municipal requirements.
Application for NOC for Government Employment, Jammu and Kashmir
Citizens may apply for NOC for seeking Government Employment in a form which has several fields pre-filled, by uploading the required documents such as Appointment Letter, Affidavit, State Subject, Date of Birth Certificate