Apply online for encumbrance certificate in Tamil Nadu
Apply online for encumbrance certificate in Tamil Nadu. You need to provide information such as your name, address, zone, district, SRO, street name, village, house details, appropriate extent, and boundaries to submit the application form online. Help tips are also available to guide the applicants in applying for the certificate.
Telangana : The department of Registration & Stamps Encumbrance Certificate (EC)
This service helps a citizen to get an Encumbrance Certificate which ensures that the property has a clear title.
Apply for Non-Encumbrance and Mortgage certificate for LPC, Arunachal Pradesh
This service is to apply for Non-Encumbrance and Mortgage certificate for LPC from Department of Land Management (STATE). This is a G2B service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Institutions can apply for this service.
Check status of application for Encumbrance certificate in Tamil Nadu
Check status of your application for Encumbrance certificate in the state of Tamil Nadu provided by the Department of Registration. Users can provide an application number to check the status online.
Online Status of Demarcation of Land/ Non-Encumbrance Certificate in Punjab
This service is available for citizen to check the online status of his application. This service is applicable for Land Demarcation, Non-Encumbrance Certificate
Telangana:The Department of Registration & Stamps: Encumbrance Certificate (EC) Application Form
This application form helps a citizen to get an Encumbrance Certificate which ensures that the property has a clear title.
Apply for e-Encumbrance Service on any Property Registered, Andhra Pradesh
Get services for Citizens to search on their own the Encumbrance on any property registered in Sub Registrar Offices has been made a practical reality with the advent of Information Technology. Now citizens can search for Encumbrance on 24X7 basis from anywhere through the medium of Internet.
Final No Objection Certificate / Plan Approval for Occupancy Certificate in Gujarat
Applicant can apply online for new Fire NOC, renewal of existing NOC and make payment through eNagar portal and get status on their email and SMS on mobile. Applicant can access the service after login. Citizens can also avail these services from Civic Centres of Urban Local Bodies. Urban Local Bodies users processes the request on
Apply for Final No Objection Certificate / Plan Approval for Occupancy Certificate (Business), Jammu and Kashmir
Businesses can complete their construction approval process by applying for the final NOC and occupancy certificate using the streamlined online portal.
Final No Objection Certificate / Plan Approval for Occupancy Certificate
Fire approval for occupancy is part of the pre-establishment approvals. This service is at sr. no. 14.