Lodge complaint with Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers Federation Ltd
You can lodge a complaint or grievance related to any products and service offered by the Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers Federation Ltd. (Aavin). Users can submit their complaints by filling up this online form with information such as name, email, phone number, contact address and nature of complaint etc.
Search for titles verified by Registrar of Newspapers for India
Get information on titles verified by the Registrar of Newspaper for India (RNI). Users can search for verified titles by title name, title code, periodicity, state, state & language, state & periodicity, state & place of publication, language, date, year, year & month, year & state, year & language, year, month & state.
Online textbooks of National Council of Educational Research and Training
Online textbooks of National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). Users can get textbooks of all subjects published by NCERT for classes I to XII in Hindi, English and Urdu. The entire book or individual chapters can be downloaded. In order to discourage piracy, the online textbooks carry a watermark on all pages declaring the copyright of NCERT.
Check upgraded passengers list of Indian Railways
You can check the upgraded passengers list of Indian Railways. The list can be check by providing the train's name or number and chart date. To benefit waitlisted passengers and the railways in terms of filling up vacant accommodation in various trains, the Railways had introduced a scheme, on an experimental basis, to upgrade full fare paying waiting list passengers to the next higher class against the available vacant accommodation.
Check train name, fares and availability of seats between stations
Check train name, fares and availability of seats between two railway stations. Users have to choose the source and destination station name, travel class, journey date, departure time, arrival time, train type, etc. to get details of the trains. Options are also available to check the train fares, routes, schedule, etc.
Check case status of Supreme Court and High Courts
Check status of cases pending or disposed of by the Supreme Court and High Courts. Users can search for case status by case number, petitioner name, respondent name, advocate name. Daily orders of the Supreme Court or High Courts are also given.
Check results of various academic and entrance examinations
Check results of various academic and entrance examinations online. Users can access results of all academic, entrance and recruitment examinations. One can also find online counseling details for admission to various professional courses. Information pertaining to schools, boards and students is given. Services like information through SMS and mail to registered users are also provided.
Website of Unique Identification Authority of India
UIDAI, or the Unique Identification Authority of India, is a statutory authority established by the Government of India under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. It is responsible for issuing a unique identification number called Aadhaar to all residents of India. The Aadhaar card is a 12-digit unique identity number that is linked to an individual's biometric and demographic data, which is stored in a centralized database. The Aadhaar number empowers residents of India with a unique identity and a digital platform to authenticate anytime, anywhere.
Check status of complaint lodged for Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna
Check status of registered complaint related to the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna (PMGSY). Users can check status of a complaint by entering the complaint number. Link to view the replies of other feedbacks is also available.
Virtual Courts
A novel concept of virtual courts has been introduced under the eCourts project to deal with petty traffic offence cases. The concept is aimed at reducing footfalls in the courts by eliminating the physical presence of violator or advocate in the court. Virtual court can be managed by virtual judge whose jurisdiction can be extended to entire state and working hours may be 24X7. Neither litigant need to come to court nor judge will have to physically preside over the court. Thus, precious judicial time and manpower will be saved.