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Avail Subsidy on Solar Water Heating System in Chandigarh
Details related to procedure to avail subsidy on solar water heating system in Chandigarh are given. Users can get information about subsidy, documents required for subsidy, eligibility, etc. Access to application for the installation of solar water heating system under the subsidy scheme and certificate from the authorized proprietor or manufacturer or beneficiary is also available.
Avail Subsidy for Battery Operated Vehicles in Chandigarh
Information to avail subsidy for Battery Operated Vehicles (BOV) in Chandigarh is given. Details related to subsidy, documents required for subsidy, etc. are provided. Users can access application form to apply for subsidy for Battery Operated Vehicles (BOV).
Application Form for Financial Assistance for BC Vocational Communities Registration Form, Telangana
Gert services Application Form for Financial Assistance for BC Vocational Communities Registration Form.
Search District Wise Number of Anganwadi Centres, Andhra Pradesh
Search online sector wise Anganwadi Centres in Andhra Pradesh through Anganwadi Centre Strengthening and Monitoring System by Department for Women, Children, Disabled and Senior Citizens of Andhra Pradesh. Users can get details related to Anganwadi Centres by selecting name of district, project and sector. Information about Anganwadi Centres, its code, type, workers details, beneficiary’s details, etc. can be accessed.
Apply Online Beneficiary Registration Form for Disabled Welfare, Telangana
Get services for Apply Online Beneficiary Registration Form for Disabled Welfare, Telangana
Application Form for Jharkhand Chief Minister Maiya Samman Yojana, Jharkhand
The Jharkhand Chief Minister Maiya Samman Yojana provides financial assistance to women in the Antyodaya category. Under this scheme, women receive an annual amount of Rs 12,000, paid monthly as Rs 1,000. The government aims to support women from economically weaker sections through this initiative.
Jiyo Parsi - Central Sector Scheme for Parsi Community
To reverse the declining trend of Parsi population by adopting a scientific protocol and structured interventions, stabilize their population and increase the population of Parsi in India.
Member Login in Coal Mines Provident Fund Organisation
Get services for Member Login in Coal Mines Provident Fund Organisation.
Pradhan Mantri Jan Vikas Karyakram
Pradhan Mantri Jan Vikas Karyakram (PMJVK) enables login to submit project proposals focused on the themes of education, health and skill development from Central Government Departments/Organizations, Central Public Sector Enterprises/Undertakings, Central/State Universities and Armed Police Forces, apart from the State/UT governments to address the development deficits of the identified Minority Concentration Areas
Enroll to avail benefits from Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maandhan Yojana
Eligible beneficiaries can enroll either using Self Enrolment or through CSC to avail benefits from Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maandhan Yojana.