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Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)
PMJDY is a National Mission on Financial Inclusion encompassing an integrated approach to bring about comprehensive financial inclusion of all the households in the country.
Apply for Mukhyamantri Kalakar Sahayata Yojana, Odisha
The "Mukhyamantri Kalakar Sahayata Yojana" scheme, initiated by the Odia Language, Literature & Culture Department, Government of Odisha, aims to offer sustenance and assistance to elderly artists who, despite facing financial hardship, have consistently devoted themselves to enriching, showcasing, and preserving Odisha's arts and culture. Under this program, the State Government provides pensions to impoverished artists who find themselves in distress despite their lifelong commitment to our artistic and cultural heritage through significant contributions. The scheme is structured with specific criteria regarding age, income, the artist's contributions, and the physical and financial well-being of their families, ensuring targeted support to those in need.
Member Enrolment in Coal Mines Provident Fund Organisation
C-CARES Portal is envisioned to enable Coal Mines Provident Fund Organisation and its regional offices, process and track the claims of the members w.r.t. Provident Fund, Pension and PF Advance and enable the employees to view their PF balances and the status of their claims. Additionally, it also has the details of the family members/nominees of the employee.
Apply for Revision of Pension without Aadhaar, Odisha
Online application for the revision of pension or Annexure-C without using Aadhaar is a form wherein on providing the details; the pension amount can be revised as per standard norms.
Apply for Revision of Pension with Aadhaar, Odisha
Online application for the revision of pension or Annexure-C using with Aadhaar is a form wherein on providing the details; the pension amount can be revised as per standard norms.
Online GPF Information System, Kohima, Nagaland
The online GPF Information System is launched by the Office of the Principal Accountant General(A&E) Nagaland, Kohima for the registered GPF subscribers of the Grade C and above employees of the State Government of Nagaland.
Register for e-Shram Card
eSHRAM is to create a centralised database of Unorganized Workers which will help to implement the social security services to them and share their information with various stakeholders for delivering the welfare schemes.
StreeNidhi credit cooperative Federation Ltd., Telangana
StreeNidhi credit cooperative Federation Ltd., is promoted by the Government and the MandalSamkahyas to supplement credit flow from banking sector and is a flagship programme of the Government. StreeNidhi provides timely and affordable credit to the poor SHG members as a part of the overall strategy of SERP for poverty alleviation.
MP Mukymantri Ladli Bahana Yojna
Get detailed information about Madhya Pradesh Mukymantri ladli bahana yojna. Under the Madhya Pradesh Mukhyamantri Ladli Behna Scheme, the beneficiary women will get financial assistance of Rs.1,250/- per month. (From October 2023)
West Bengal Lakshmir Bhandar Scheme
Get detailed information of the Lakshmir Bhandar Scheme, initiated by the West Bengal Government in February 2021, is a prominent initiative designed to offer financial support to women belonging to economically disadvantaged segments of society. The program aims to empower women between the ages of 25 and 60 by providing them with financial assistance.