Business and Self-employed

4010 services

State Information Commission, Chhattisgarh

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Check and get information regarding Chhattisgarh State Information Commission

State Warehousing Corporation, Chhattisgarh

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Check and get information about Chhattisgarh State Warehousing Corporation.

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Investor Registration in Meghalaya

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Get services for Fastest growing economy in Meghalaya

Check agriculture commodity-wise weekly reports of Meghalaya

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Check agriculture commodity-wise weekly reports online provided by Meghalaya State Agricultural Marketing portal. Users need to select the day, month, and year to view the weekly report of agriculture commodities.

Check daily agricultural commodity market reports of Meghalaya

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Check daily reports of agricultural commodities according to markets of Meghalaya online. A calender is provided for users to click on any particular date of any month and year to access the reports of commodities such as rice, vegetables, fruits, pulses, etc.

Registration Online Application for Food Safety License, Meghalaya

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Get service for Food Licensing & Registration system - an online application by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (fssai) facilitates Food Business Operators (FBO) to apply for License/Registration Certificate and helps track their application

Check weekly reports of state agriculture markets of Meghalaya

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Check weekly reports of state agriculture markets provided by the Meghalaya State Agricultural Marketing portal. Users can select the day, month and year to view the weekly reports. Reports contain details of commodities, variety, market, arrival, unit, prices in rupees etc.

Business Licenses for Prayagraj Municipal Corporation, Uttar Pradesh

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Official website of Nagar Nigam Prayagraj, citizens can find all the details related to Nagar Nigam services such as Birth and death registration, Water & Sewerage, Business Licenses, Horticulture development, Parks development, Street lights etc.

Registration, Renewal Procedures and Documents List, Uttar Pradesh

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Get service for Registration, Renewal Procedures and Documents List, Uttar Pradesh

Permit and license renewal by UP Forest

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Compilation of Supreme Court and central empowered committee and orders of state government, U.P. and saw mill rules with amendments on saw mills and veneer/plywood units of Uttar Pradesh.