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Registration of Establishment Employing Migrant Workmen
Apply for Registration of Establishment Employing Migrant Workmen in Maharashtra provided by the Labour Department. Information about documents required and guidelines to fill the form is given. The Department will Provide Service Within 7 Days
License for Recruitment
Apply for License for Recruitment in Maharashtra provided by the Labour Department. Information about documents required and guidelines to fill the form is given. The Department will Provide Service Within 7 Days
License for Recruitment of Laboureres by the Agents outside Maharashtra
Apply for License for Recruitment of Laboureres by the Agents outside Maharashtra in Maharashtra provided by the Labour Department. Information about documents required and guidelines to fill the form is given. The Department will Provide Service Within 7 Days
Pay your commercial tax online for Telangana
Users can pay their commercial taxes online with the help of this portal. This service is provided by the Commercial Department of Telangana Government. You can e-register and make e-payments of commercial taxes through this portal.
Online VAT Registration for commercial entities in Madhya Pradesh
Apply online for VAT Registration in Madhya Pradesh. Business firms can apply by providing information such as name of the firm, division name, circle, email id, etc. Users can also upload the necessary documents in prescribed formats. List of bank branch codes is also available.
Apply for Trade License in Ambala District, Haryana
Users can apply online for Trade License in Ambala District, Haryana
Apply for Online application for issuance of Occupation Certificate
Users can apply for Online application for issuance of Occupation Certificate
Andhra Pradesh industries portal
Get information of Andhra Pradesh industries online. Users can obtain details of key industrial sectors in the state. Information on the primary sector, extraction industries, mining, farming, refining and manufacturing is available on this website. Detailed information about the e-services, schemes, policies, online application forms and institutional supports is also given.
Information on annual e-filing by Ministry of Corporate Affairs
Detailed information about the e-filing of various forms of Ministry of Corporate Affairs is provided. Information on how to e-file forms and attachments required to e-file the forms is also provided.
Obtain completion certificate for building in Karnataka
Users can download online completion certificate for building in Karnataka