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Search forms of government departments of Madhya Pradesh
Users can search form of various government departments of Madhya Prdesh. One needs to select a department to access forms related to it. The forms can be downloaded.
Various services of different departments for public service delivery
Samagra Portal provides the basic database of the population of the district through which various beneficiary related schemes are rolling out online like Pension, Shiksha, Food, Sparsh, Praman portal etc.
Madhya Pradesh e-District Services
Users can register online for Caste, Income, Residence and Solvency Certificate of Madhya Pradesh. This service is provided by the Government of Madhya Pradesh. You need to provide details such as name, date of birth, gender, name of father, name of mother, etc. to register for the Certificate.
E-Uparjan in Madhya Pradesh
Procurement of wheat and coarse grain is now systematically managed by euparjan software. SMS alerts for date and place to bring grain at procurement center and management of payments and transportation to govt. godowns is done by systems.
Search Madhya Pradesh government orders and acts
Users can search orders and acts of government departments of Madhya Pradesh. One needs to select a department, document type, and title and description to access the documents.
Service portal of Madhya Pradesh government
Get details of online services offered by Madhya Pradesh government. Services such online payment of bills, admission, recruitment, applications etc. are available. Different logins are provided for KIOSK users, employees, citizens and G2G department for availing the services. Information on programmes by MP government, MPOnline Awards, MPOnline survey, etc. is also provided.
Service and Payroll Administrative Repository for Kerala (SPARK)
Service and Payroll Administrative Repository for Kerala is an Integrated Personnel, Payroll and Accounts information system for all the Employees in Government of Kerala. The system caters to the Personnel Administration, Payroll and other Accounts activities of Government Establishments.
FRIENDS Re-Engineered and Enterprise Enabled Software (FREES) (Single Window System for payment Services) in Kerala
Kerala E-District project intend to provide Government services to citizens through Common Service Centers(CSC) which are easily accessible. Services from different departments are brought under one umbrella at any CSC. Some of the services are also made available through online portal. User can online payment for all services Land Phone Bills, Mobile Bills, Wireless Connection Bills, Wimax Bills, Exam Remittance, General remittance, New Application for Licence , Ration Card, Fee for Renewal and Duplicate License, Electrical Installations and Licence fee, Property Tax, eChallan Payment, Contribution Collection Electricity Bill Collection, Water Bill Collection, ID Cost and Other Charges, Building Tax, Exam Remittance, General remittance, Fees, Vehicle Tax and Licence fee, Property Tax, Property Tax, Exam Remittance, General remittance, Department Remittance etc.
Register your grievances with Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon
Register your complaints or grievances online with the Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon, Haryana. Users can register their complaints by entering details such as grievance type, subject type, area and request location, their name and contact details, address, etc. Details of all registered complaints are also available.
File RTI application online to Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon
File the RTI applications online to the Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon. Users need to register themselves before applying. They have to provide information such as the name and address, contact details and description of the information they need. Online payment can also be made for the RTI application.