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Check status of no dues applications with Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon
Check the status of No-Dues applications submitted to the Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon. Users need to provide application number and name to check status of the application. The entire list of applications can be checked. Information such as application number, type, date applied and expiration, status etc. is available.
Check status of application for change in house tax ownership records of Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon
Check the status of application submitted for change of ownership in house tax records of the Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon. Users can get the information searching by application number and applicant's name. The entire list of applications with information such as the number, type, date of application and expiration, status etc. is available.
Apply online to Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon for trade licence
Apply online for trade licence to Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon. One needs to login as registered user to apply for business, trade, cinema halls, movie theatre, multiplex and factory or manufacturing licence. Information about the optional as well as mandatory documents to be uploaded with this applications is also provided.
Apply for fire NOC to Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon
Apply for fire No Objection Certificate (NOC) to the Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon online. One needs to login as registered user to apply online for the fire NOC. Applicant can provide information such as name, contact address, and upload scanned copies of relevant documents to apply online for the certificate.
Track application submitted for fire safety NOC in Gurgaon
Track application status submitted to the Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon for fire safety NOC. Users need to provide information such as the application type, application number and applicant’s name to find the current progress.
Check status details of applications for marriage registration in Gurgaon
Check status details of applications for marriage registration with the Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon. Users can search details of existing marriage applications by entering application number and applicant’s name. In case application number is not known, users can view complete list of registered marriages. Information such as the application number, name of husband and wife, application date, expiry date and status of application is provided.
Apply for Property transfer in Ambala, Haryana
Users can apply online for transfer of Property in Ambala, Haryana
Apply for Fire No Objection Certificate for a building in Ambala District, Haryana
Users can apply for Fire No Objection Certificate for a building in Ambala District, Haryana
Apply for Building Plan approval in Ambala District, Haryana
Users can apply online for Building Plan approval in Ambala District, Haryana
Search Property Tax payment in Ambala District, Haryana
Users can search online for Property Tax payment in Ambala District, Haryana