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412 services

Income Certificate, Gujarat

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Applicant may apply online for Income Certificate on the Digital Gujarat Portal. A Common Services Portal (CSP – Digital Gujarat Portal) is a vision to provide one-stop solution for all Government to Citizens Services for citizens of Gujarat State.

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Apply for Benefits under Start-up policy in Gujarat

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Registered Entrepreneurs/startups running in the incubators in gujarat may apply for incentives on the Startup India Portal.

Apply Online for Tenders, Ladakh

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Get services for eProcurement System of U.T Administration, Ladakh enables the Tenderers to download the Tender Schedule free of cost and then submit the bids online.

Application for Sanstha Aadhaar (Rajasthan Business Register), Rajasthan

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Get services for Sanstha Aadhaar Number (SAN) is the unique ID given to all Govt. Departments, Boards/ Corporation/ Autonomous Body/ Non-government organizations and all enterprises including private enterprises established in Rajasthan.

Deposit of Building Cess for Building Plan Approval for Shop & Commercial Establishments under The BOCW Act, 1996 in Punjab

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Punjab Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board (BOCW) portal provides welfare information to construction workers in Punjab. Any worker doing any building and other construction work in the State of Punjab for minimum 90 days during the last 12 months and whose age is between 18 to 60 years is a construction worker. Construction worker becomes member of the board by filling Application form No 28

Application for Incentive to beneficiaries who have undergone Skilled Training in Punjab

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

Punjab Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board (BOCW) portal provides welfare information to construction workers in Punjab. Any worker doing any building and other construction work in the State of Punjab for minimum 90 days during the last 12 months and whose age is between 18 to 60 years is a construction worker. Construction worker becomes member of the board by filling Application form No 28

Haryana: Application for new license to carry on the business of a dealer in seeds through ASK

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

This service allows to seeds dealer to submit the online application for new License to carry on the business of a dealer in seeds at near by Atal Seva Kendra. This application verified by respective authority and approve or reject the application on the basis of verification.

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Haryana: Application for renewal of license to carry on the business of dealer in seeds through ASK

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This service allows to seeds dealer to submit the online application for renewal of the License to carry on the business of a dealer in seeds at near by Atal Seva Kendra. This application verified by respective authority and approve or reject the application on the basis of verification.

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Haryana: Application for Duplicate license to carry on the business of a dealer in seeds

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This service allows to seeds dealer to submit the online application for duplicate License to carry on the business of a dealer in seeds at near by Atal Seva Kendra. This application verified by respective authority and approve or reject the application on the basis of verification.

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Haryana: Application to recieve Acknowledgement of receipts/authorization letter to fertilizer wholesale & retail dealer through ASK

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

This service allows to fertilizer wholesale & retail dealer to submit the online application to receive the Acknowledgement of receipts/authorization letter at near by Atal Seva Kendra. This application verified by respective authority and approve or reject the application on the basis of verification.

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