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Apply for Registration and Licensing – Motor Transport Workers Act, Jammu and Kashmir
Through the Single Window System (JK-SWS), businesses can register and obtain licenses under the Motor Transport Workers Act. The platform offers streamlined guidance and application processing for approvals.
Member Registration in the Primary Agriculture Cooperative Societies, Odisha
Apply for member registration in the Primary Agriculture Cooperative Societies. The Directorate of the Registrar of cooperative societies is entrusted with the responsibility of implementation of policies and programmes of the Central and State Governments for the benefit of farmers and other economically weaker sections through cooperatives and for strengthening the cooperative movement.To achieve these objectives, the Directorate looks after administration, supervision, monitoring and regulation of the Cooperative Societies functioning in the State in various sectors.
Apply for Registration of Cooperative Society With Limited Liability Under The Assam Cooperative Societies Act 2007, Assam
This service is to apply for Registration of Cooperative Society With Limited Liability Under The Assam Cooperative Societies Act 2007 from Registrar Of Cooperative Societies (Registrar of Co-operative Societies - Registrar of Co-operative Societies). This is a G2B service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Institutions can apply for this service.
Online Registration of Cooperative Society (Primary) under The HP Cooperative Societies Act, 1968, Himachal Pradesh
The citizen can submit their soceity registration application online , can track its status and download eCertificate on approval
Apply for Renewal of Cooperative Societies Registration Certificate, Arunachal Pradesh
This service is to apply for Renewal of Cooperative Societies Registration Certificate from Cooperative Societies (STATE). This is a G2B service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Institutions can apply for this service.
Apply for Updation of Cooperative Societies Registration Certificate, Arunachal Pradesh
This service is to apply for Updation of Cooperative Societies Registration Certificate from Cooperative Societies (STATE). This is a G2B service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Institutions can apply for this service.
Apply for Registration of Cooperative Societies, Arunachal Pradesh
This service is to apply for Registration of Cooperative Societies from Cooperative Societies (STATE). This is a G2B service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Institutions can apply for this service.
Apply for Registration of Cooperative Societies, Goa
Register cooperative societies by submitting an application and the society's bye-laws, detailing its objectives and member information, to the Registrar of Cooperative Societies in Goa.
Apply for Trade Licence. Goa
This service facilitates the application process for obtaining a trade licence in Goa. Users can apply online, ensuring compliance with local regulations for operating a business within the state.
Apply for Single application for Trade Licence and Labour. Goa
This service enables users to submit a single application for obtaining trade licences and labour permits in Goa. It simplifies the process by integrating various requirements, ensuring businesses can operate smoothly within the state's regulatory framework.