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Telangana: Application for Family Members Certificate
This application form can be used by citizens to apply for FMC (Family Membership Certificate) so that they can claim benefits from certain schemes ( like Apathbandhu scheme / chief Minister Relief fund / Housing / Relief fund / Exgratia) in respect of the deceased in the family.
Agriculture services, Agriculture, Farmers Welfare & Cooperation, Gujarat
In Gujarati - Agriculture, Farmers Welfare & Cooperation
Maharashtra: 7/12 Extract Application
Check how to apply for 7/12 extract application provided by the land record department,Govt. of Maharashtra.The department will provide service within 7 days.
Agmarknet Portal
Agmarknet Portal serves useful information such as price trends of commodities, including daily market / mandi prices, profile of each Mandi etc
Surrender of Ration Card: Application Form
This service can be used by a citizen to surrender an existing Ration Card and get a Surrender Certificate so that he/ she can apply for a new Ration Card at another place.
Telangana: Issue of New Ration Card (Pink) Application Form
This service helps citizens to apply for a new ration card (Pink).
M - Kisan Portal
mKisan SMS Portal enables all Central and State government organizations in agriculture and allied sectors to give information/services/advisories to farmers by SMS in their language, preference of agricultural practices and location
Check daily Water storages of dams in Maharashtra
Users can check daily water storage of dams in Maharashtra as provided by the Water Resources Department. You can check month and year-wise storage details status in the state. The Consolidated Reservoir Status can also be checked.
Issue of New Ration Card (Pink): Application Form
This service helps citizens to apply for a new ration card (Pink).
Andhra Pradesh,ROR - 1B
ROR is abbreviated as Records of Rights. This service is used to get ROR 1 B certificate where all the land details of a person pertaining to particular Village will be available in one certificate.