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Search Electronic Indian Postal Order details online
Search online for Electronic Indian Postal Order (eIPO) details with the Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. Users can check eIPO details by eIPO number, Indian passport number and security code. This facility is available only for Indian Citizens abroad to facilitate them to file Right to Information (RTI) application.
ePost Office service of India Post
The ePost Office of India Post offers variety of online Postal services to the users. One can avail services such as sending an Electronic Money Order (EMO), Instant Money Order (IMO), philately etc. Users can also track and trace Speed Post, EMO, WorldNet Express (WNX), international mail, paying premium and searching pin codes. Information related to Postal Life Insurance (PLI), banking, speed post, business post, logistics post and other related services is also provided.
Check and search for registered titles with Registrar of Newspapers for India
Check and search for titles registered with Registrar of Newspapers for India (RNI). Users can search for details of registered newspaper titles by entering registration number, new registration number, state, language, title, year, periodicity or place of publication.
Check State Units of National Informatics Centre
Get information about state units of National Informatics Centre (NIC). The state units provide informatics support to their respective State Government. Users can get details of the concerned person, office address, contact details of the state units, etc.
Check online status of newspaper title registration application
Check the status of applications submitted to Office of Registrar of Newspapers for India (RNI) for registration of titles of news paper, magazine, journal and other publications. Users can check or track status of the application for titles, by state, district, owner name and DM number.
Visitor Login for Temporary Pass Appointment with Government
Government of India offers MyVisit - a digital solution for citizens to book appointments with government officials, & track the status of the appointments; & enabling government departments to manage the visitors to their respective offices
Online submission of proposal to DBT
This user friendly system is created to facilitate online submission of proposal and various other documents related to ongoing projects to the Department of Biotechnology. You can read proposal submission guidelines, reviewer guidelines, taskforce guidelines, etc.
Check list of National Speed Post Centres
Find the list of National Speed Post Centres in different parts of the country. Details of the Centres such as location, address, pin code, phone number, fax, email, officer in charge, etc. are given. Users can also access state wise list of the centres.
eAuthentication Service, Government of India
A standard service to authenticate users of various government services in a safe and secure manner for accessing services through desktop as well as mobile.
Book and check status of Instant Money Order by e-post office of India Post
Book and check the status of your Instant Money Order (iMO) online through e-post office service of India Post. Users have to register themselves to avail the iMO booking facility. One can also check the iMO status by entering the transaction number.