Science, IT and Communications

101 services

NIC - Digital Payment Campaign

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

NIC - Digital Payment Campaign is to share one’s contribution in the task of training citizens in the use of digital payments by conducting workshops. This service can be applied for in person. The documents needed to apply, photograph requirements, application form etc are listed here

Check News Publication Details Provided by Department of Public Relations, Madhya Pradesh

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check latest and all types of news publications provided by the Directorate of Public Relations of Madhya Pradesh. Users can select the category such as newspapers, news category, department and write keywords to search the news.

NIC email account services

  • Service Maturity Icon  Partially Online

Email related services cover various areas, such as, creation of new email account, activating inactive accounts, reset passwords, enable IMAP facilities, etc. The Central Government System is being implemented for benefit of Government of Haryana. Technical Support to users and handling servicedesk/helpdesk issues are also part of the system. The users visit the website to access the email accounts. For services, like creation of new email account, enabling IMAP facilities, etc., the user has to fill form online given under the link 'Download Form' . The filled form after all formalities is to be forwarded to us for necessary action

Report Incoming International Call With Indian Number (RICWIN)

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

RICWIN module facilitates citizens to report the incoming international calls received with local Indian number (+91-xxxxxxxxxx). RICWIN enables citizens to be government’s eye to report such calls for busting/unearthing suspected illegal telecom setups which cause loss to Government's exchequer and pose threat to national security.

Request for un-blocking recovered/found mobile

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

The Sanchar Saathi portal, an initiative by the Department of Telecommunications, offers accessible CEIR Services to subscribers throughout India. To unblock a previously blocked mobile phone that has been recovered or found, users are required to fill out and submit an online form on the portal, providing information about the device for the unblocking process.

e-Visitor System for Visitors

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

eVisitor is a web based solution for Visitor Management for the Bhavans managed by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. The visitor management module assists in capturing all-relavent information about the visitor and automatically saved in database.A high quality pass is issued to the visitor (the system can also be operated in pass-less mode in which no pass is issued to the visitor) . No need to re-enter data for regular visitors again as the data can be searched and new pass can be issued with minimum changes.

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Chhattisgarh: Chhattisgarh State Website

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check and get information regarding different departments available in Chhattisgarh.

Holiday List - DoPT

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

List of Holidays as notified through Live Circulars as per OM(s)/NOTIFICATION(s) is available here

Lodge online RTI complaint and file appeal with Central Information Commission

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

The Central Information Commission portal facilitates users to file the RTI applications online. Users can lodge complaint, submit draft complaint and check the status of filed complaint online. Second appeal can also be submitted. The cause lists of the Central Information Commission are also given.

e-Granthalaya: A Digital Agenda for Library Automation and Networking

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

Get information about e-Granthalaya, a Digital Agenda for Library Automation and Networking. Details of consortium discussion forum, e-News clipping system, etc are also available. Users can search open access journals in computer science.