Business and Self-employed

3998 services

Apply for Obtaining Fresh Licence or Packer/Importer Registration, Kerala

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Get services for Licensees to apply and renew Manufacturer/Dealer/Repairer Licence and the Packers/Importers to apply for Packer/Importer Registration. The Verification of Weights/Measures can also be obtained through this portal.

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Application for Sanstha Aadhaar (Rajasthan Business Register), Rajasthan

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Get services for Sanstha Aadhaar Number (SAN) is the unique ID given to all Govt. Departments, Boards/ Corporation/ Autonomous Body/ Non-government organizations and all enterprises including private enterprises established in Rajasthan.

Mineral Dealer License Application Form, Andhra Pradesh

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Get service for Mineral Dealer License Application Form, Andhra Pradesh

Mineral Concession Application Form, Andhra Pradesh

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Get service for Mineral Concession Application Form, Andhra Pradesh

Alteration In Registration Of Manufacturer Packer Application Form, Andhra Pradesh

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Get service for Alteration in Registration of Manufacturer Packer Application Form, Andhra Pradesh

Grant of Repairing License Application Form, Andhra Pradesh

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Get service for Grant of Repairing License Application Form, Andhra Pradesh

Renewel Manufacturer Application Form, Andhra Pradesh

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Get service for Renewel Manufacturer Application Form, Andhra Pradesh

Grant Manufacturer Application Form, Andhra Pradesh

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Get service for Grant Manufacturer Application Form, Andhra Pradesh

Renwel of Licence Dealing Application Form, Andhra Pradesh

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Get service for Renwel of Licence Dealing Application Form, Andhra Pradesh

Grant of Licence Dealing Application Form, Andhra Pradesh

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Get service for grant of Licence Dealing Application Form, Andhra Pradesh