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Check details of vacancies in Ministry of Water Resources
Users can check details of vacancies in the Ministry of Water Resources. One can find information relating to various vacancies in the ministry and apply for it.
Information of online registration with Employment Exchange
Detailed information is given on how to register with the Employment Exchange by the India Development Gateway portal. Users can find details related to process of registration and benefits of registration with the Employment Exchange.
Information on career opportunity in Indian Air Force
Get detailed information about the career opportunity in the Indian Air Force (IAF). Information is provided on career options, training establishment, selection procedure, life in Air Force, pay, pay and benefits, Air Force history, etc. One needs to select qualification from a drop down list to find career options in the IAF. Examination schedule, syllabus, candidate list, etc. are also available.
Website of Indian Navy Career and Opportunity
The Indian Navy is a well balanced and cohesive three dimensional force. It is capable of operating above, on and under the surface of oceans efficiently to safeguard our national interests. Candidates who are seeking to make their career in Indian Navy can find information related to joining of Navy, candidates eligibility, officers entry, sailor entry, etc. You can also apply online for the Officer and Sailor entry. Detailed information related to cultural activities, facilities, sports & games, life after Navy, etc. One can also download forms, instructions, syllabus and result notifications.
Check status of application with Patna Railway Recruitment Board
Check status of your application submitted to Railway Recruitment Board of Patna for recruitment to Indian Railways. Users can check their application status by selecting category and entering name, father's name and date of birth.
Check results declared by Railway Recruitment Board of Bhopal
Get online results of various examinations conducted by the Railway Recruitment Board of Bhopal. Access to information about the Board, selection procedures, employment notices, examination schedule, status of application, etc. is also given.
Apply online for Central Staffing Scheme
Get information on the Central Staffing Scheme by the Department of Personnel & Training. The employees can get information on the procedure as well as criterion to apply for this central government scheme. Links for online application submission by IAS Officers, participating service officers, Login for Cadre Controlling Authorities, Offer List Status /Vacancy/Appointments etc. are available.
Naya Savera - State Wise Sanction Detail
Naya Savera State wise Sanction details can be accessed here by specifying Financial Year
Naya Savera - Organizations Trainees List
Access lists of trainees by specifying details such as State, District, Organization name
Naya Savera · Coaching and Allied Scheme
Naya Savera · State-wise expenditure under Free Coaching and Allied Scheme for the candidates belonging to minority communities.