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Scheme for Exemption of Various Taxes on Food Processing Industries from Department of Industries & Commerce in Punjab
Get information Specified Scheme for Exemption of Various Taxes on Food Processing Industries from Department of Industries & Commerce in Punjab. Users can avail services as mentioned in below steps: a) Prospective investors/industrialists of the Punjab needs to Register with Business First portal. b) Fill Common Application Form (CAF) and generate a PIN (Project Identification No.). c) Apply for required Service by filing Application Form (with reference to PIN). d) Pay auto-calculated Fee using Debit Card/Credit Card/NEFT/Internet Banking. e) The department will process submitted Application Form and issues QR Code Based Verifiable Approval. f) Delivery Time: 90 Day in Punjab.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Narmada : Renewal of hotel and restaurant certificate
Check process for renewal of certificate for hotel and restaurant from Sub divisional Magistrate, Jan Seva Kendra, required document, fees and download application form.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Dang : Renewal of hotel and restaurant certificate
Check process for renewal of certificate for hotel and restaurant from Sub-divisional Magistrate/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Dahod : Renewal of hotel and restaurant certificate
Check process for renewal of certificate for hotel and restaurant from Sub-divisional Magistrate/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Gir Somnath : Renewal of hotel and restaurant certificate
Check process for renewal of certificate for hotel and restaurant from Sub-divisional Magistrate/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Mahisagar : Renewal of hotel and restaurant certificate
Check process for renewal of certificate for hotel and restaurant from Sub-divisional Magistrate/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Porbandar : Renewal of hotel and restaurant certificate
Check process for renewal of certificate for hotel and restaurant from Sub-divisional Magistrate/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Navsari : Renewal of hotel and restaurant certificate
Check process for renewal of certificate for hotel and restaurant from Sub-divisional Magistrate/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Valsad : Renewal of hotel and restaurant certificate
Check process for renewal of certificate for hotel and restaurant from Sub-divisional Magistrate/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Vadodara : Renewal of hotel and restaurant certificate
Check process for renewal of certificate for hotel and restaurant from Sub-divisional Magistrate/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.