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Gujarat, Collectorate - District Vadodara : Application for government approved new fair price shop (Pandit Deen Dayal Store)
Check process for application for government approved new fair price shop (Pandit Deen Dayal Store) from Taluka Mamlatdar Shree Office/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.
Check daily and weekly rates of commodities in Himachal Pradesh
Check daily and weekly market rates of commodities in Shimla and Mandi towns of Himachal Pradesh. Users can also make market rates comparisons online. Daily and weekly rates of commodities such as rice, dal, sugar, wheat, onion, milk, etc. are available. Date and year wise search of rates is also available.
Apply Duplicate Ration Card, Civil Supplies Department, Kerala
Apply Duplicate Ration Card, Civil Supplies Department, Kerala
Industries Department, Jharkhand
Department of Industries provides access to details such as Acts, Rules & Policies, Departmental Documents & Orders, Schemes, Publications & Announcements, Tenders etc
Apply for Registration as approved Suppliers to Government under Stores Purchase Department, Kerala
This service is to apply for Registration as approved Suppliers to Government under Stores Purchase Department from Stores Purchase Department. This is a G2B service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. All can apply for this service.
Chhattisgarh: Weights & measure- Renewal of Manufacturers license
Check and get information about Renewal of Manufacturers license
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Gandhinagar : Application for government approved new fair price shop (Pandit Deen Dayal Store)
Check process for application for government approved new fair price shop (Pandit Deen Dayal Store) from Taluka Mamlatdar Shree Office/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.
Check commodity rates in Madhya Pradesh
Check online commodity rates in Madhya Pradesh through State Agricultural Marketing Board. Users can get details of modal rate, daily rate and minimum support price.
Check tenders of Madhya Pradesh Forest Department
Get information about the latest tenders of Madhya Pradesh Forest Department. Detailed information relating to the department's tenders is provided. Users can search all tenders and latest tenders etc. of the department
Apply for Trade, Industry and Commerce Services, Karnataka
Get services for Trade, Industry and Commerce, Karnataka