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Check Online Judgments and Orders of Allahabad High Court, Uttar Pradesh
Check online judgments and orders delivered by Allahabad and Lucknow bench of Allahabad High Court. Users can access larger bench decisions, referred cases, leading or bunch cases, important decisions that were in headlines and Indian Law Report.
Maharashtra: Non-Creamy Layer Renewal Certificate with Affidavit
Check how to apply for Non-Creamy layer renewal certificate with affidavit provided by the revenue department,Govt. of Maharashtra.
Check Cause List of Lucknow Bench of Allahabad High Court, Uttar Pradesh
Check online cause lists of Lucknow bench of Allahabad High Court. Users can search for daily cause list, fresh cause list and additional list.
Check Daily Orders and Judgements of Bombay High Court, Maharashtra
Get case number wise daily orders and judgements of High Court of Bombay. Users can obtain required information on judgments by selecting court side such as Bombay, Nagpur or Aurangabad, stamp number or registration number, case type, case number and year.
Maharashtra: Attestation of Affidavit
Check how to apply for Attestation of Affidavit provided by the revenue department, Govt. of Maharashtra.The department will provide service within 1 days.
Check Cause Lists of High Court Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh
Search cause lists of Andhra Pradesh Administrative Tribunal at Hyderabad. Users can search daily cause lists and supplementary list by selecting date.
Haryana: Appointment for Deed Registration from CSC/ASK
To get the appointment for deed registration from CSC.
Status and copy of Final Orders of SDM and AEO Courts, Chandigarh
Users can avail online service for obtaining Status and copy of Final Orders of SDM and AEO Courts at Chandigarh
Apply for e-stamping, Haryana
This service is to apply for e-Stamping from Revenue and Disaster Management Department. This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. All can apply for this service.
Check daily cause list of National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
Check online daily cause list of National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission. Users can check daily cause list by selecting date.