Ministry of Finance

133 services

Format of Income Tax Form Number 16

  • Service Maturity Icon  Partially Online

Get format of income tax form number 16 by Department of Income Tax, Department of Revenue. Users can download format of form number 16 to receive certificate for tax deducted at source from income chargeable under head of salaries.

Online Application for Changes or Correction in TAN Data

  • Service Maturity Icon  Partially Online

Apply for changes or corrections in Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN) card data through an online form by Income Tax Department. Users can apply for changes or corrections in TAN data by selecting appropriate category such as company, central/state government organization, individual, HUF, firm, association, etc. Details about procedure of applying online for changes or corrections in TAN data, processing fee, required documents, mode of submission of documents and category of applicant are also available.

ePublishing - Central Public Procurement Portal

  • Service Maturity Icon  Partially Online

The ePublishing Portal of Government of India facilitates all the Central Government Organisations and others to publish their Tender Enquiries, Corrigenda and Award of Contract details. The system also enables users to migrate to total electronic procurement mode.

Website of Tax Information Network

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

The Tax Information Network (TIN) modernizes the collection, processing, monitoring, and accounting of direct taxes in India using advanced information technology. This initiative by the Income Tax Department aims to improve efficiency and transparency in the tax administration process.

Check Expenditure Statements provided by Ministry of Finance

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check expenditure statements provided by the Ministry of Finance. Users can select financial year, department, reports category, month to access the statements of expenditure and receipts etc.

Check Security Features of Indian Currency Banknotes

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

The Reserve Bank of India has provided this online facility for users to check the security features of Indian currency banknotes online. There are images of Rs. 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 banknotes, one needs to just click on the note to find out the security features to identify fake currency. Detailed information is provided for users to identify differences between real and fake banknotes.

Application for Switchover of Pension Payment through Authorised Bank

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check your Pension Payment Order (PPO) status provided by the Central Pension Accounting Office under the Ministry of Finance. Users can enter their 12 Digit PPO Number to check the status online.

RES package download URL, Department of Revenue

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Get information for Indian Custom EDI System website provides service to URL to download the RES package. RES is a desktop application, it provides easy interface to declare products and in turn generates a file as per the item declared. This file can be later uploaded into ICEGATE for its processing.

Access Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the country's central banking institution, responsible for regulating the issuance of bank notes, maintaining monetary stability, formulating monetary policy, issuing government securities, and supervising commercial banks, financial institutions, and non-banking financial companies.

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDA)

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

IRDA regulates, promotes and ensure orderly growth of the insurance and re-insurance business and connected matters.

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