e-file your Income Tax Returns (ITR) by Income Tax Department
Avail services for filing Income Tax Return (ITR) online through e-filing portal of the Income Tax Department. Users are required to register using their PAN to file income tax returns online. Information about various online services such as filing income tax return, status of tax refund, PAN details, TAN details, ITR-V receipt status, CPC refund failure status, digital signature, etc. is given. Details regarding CPC and e-filing call centre are also available.
Check General Provident Fund details in Himachal Pradesh
Check online details related to General Provident Fund (GPF) provided by Accountants General in Himachal Pradesh. Government employees can check their GPF details by providing series code, GPF number and employee pin.
Check Tax Challan Status Inquiry with Income Tax Department
Check online status of your tax challan deposited in banks. Tax payers can check status of their challan either through Challan Identification Number (CIN) or Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN). Banks can also check online status of challans deposited in their banks by selecting either collecting bank branch or nodal bank branch.
Register for e-return intermediary with Income Tax Department
Register to become an e-return intermediary with Income Tax Department. Registered e-Return Intermediaries are allowed to electronically file Income Tax Returns of eligible persons. Information about pre- requisite, registration procedure, documents required, registration fee, usage of digital signature certificate and data transmission test is given.
Apply Online for New PAN Card or Corrections in PAN Card
Apply for new Permanent Account Number (PAN) card, changes or corrections in PAN data through online form by Income Tax Department. Users can apply for new PAN card, changes or corrections in PAN data by selecting appropriate category of applicants such as individual, firm, company, etc. Details about procedure of applying online for new PAN card, changes or corrections in PAN data, processing fee, mode of submission of documents and category of applicant are also available.
Track your PAN or TAN Application Status
Check online status of your Permanent Account Number (PAN) or Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN) application submitted to Income Tax Department. Users can track status of their application by selecting the application type, acknowledgement number, name and date of birth of the applicant.
Search for PAN and TIN Facilitation Centres
Search online for Permanent Account Number (PAN) and Tax Identification Number (TIN) facilitation centres near your location. Users can search for TIN Facilitation Centres cum PAN Centres by selecting a name of the state and location. Downloadable list of PAN Centres is also available.
E payment of income tax, corporation tax, TDS and TCS
Pay direct taxes online through the e-tax payment system of the Income Tax Department. To avail of this facility, the taxpayer is required to have a net-banking account with the Authorized Banks. Get information about e-payment of taxes, bank contact details, authorised banks, procedure of e-Payment, challan for e-payment, etc. Users can select appropriate challan and pay TDS on property, tax deducted at source, tax collected at source, security transaction tax, hotel receipts tax, estate duty, interest tax, wealth tax, expenditure tax, other direct taxes, gift tax, etc.
Search for Tax Deduction Account Number online
Search online for your Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN) or company name with Income Tax Department. Users can search for TAN by selecting category of deductor, state, company name or TAN. Users can get details such as TAN, category of deductor, company's name, address, PAN, status, etc.
Website of E-payment Services, Department of Revenue
Get information for E-payment Services website provides service to pay custom duty for imports done on EDI location. Payments can be done online with the help of Net Banking services provided by different public sector banks.