Information on CoWIN
Check your nearest COVID-19 vaccination center and availability of slots.
Registered Doctors Verify your Medical Council of India Certificate
Registered doctors verify the Medical Council of India (MCI) certificate online. Users can verify details by selecting type of certificate such as provisional or permanent certificate for Indian or foreign qualifications and entering certificate number.
Check online Central Government Health Scheme beneficiary reimbursement claim status
Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) beneficiaries can check status of their reimbursement claim status online. Users can get details related to their medical claim by entering their CGHS beneficiary ID and claim number.
Apply for provisional certificate for clinical establishment
Apply online for provisional certificate for your clinical establishment as provided under the Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Act, 2010. Users need to follow three steps to complete the registration form. One needs to first create a username and password, then login and apply for provisional registration. After successful completion of registration, one can get the provisional certificate. Users manual is also provided with instructions to avail this online service.
Book appointment online for Government Hospitals
You can register and get an appointment online for the government hospitals. Users can get an OPD appointment, lab reports and check blood availability in any government hospital online. Mobile app is also available for users to get an appointment for the government hospitals. The dashboard is given for information about the hospitals registered with the portal, total appointments, government departments, etc.
Login for Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Beneficiary
To checkout if you are a beneficiary, you can login here using your mobile number.
Covid-19 Sample Collection Management System
The portal at is primarily for entry of authorized person details so that they may use the mobile Apps for transferring RT-PCR, Rapid Antigen and Rapid Antibody tests data to ICMR portal for probable +ve/-ve cases, through their mobile phones. Only authorized Government officials will use this portal.
Under Graduate Medical / Dental Seats Online Allotment process (Online Counseling)
National Health Portal (NHP) provides the facility to download apps for Directory services and to access information about diseases
Apply online for licence or registration under Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
Apply online for licence and registration with Food Safety & Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) through Licencing and Registration System. Users can apply for licence and registration by selecting the state in which they are operating their premises.
PIB releases link specific to COVID-19
Information about the PIB releases link specific to COVID-19.