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Gujarat, Collectorate - District Navsari : certificate for Peasantry

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check process for requesting matter of being an agriculturist is to get an example from Mamlatdar shree/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.

Gujarat, Collectorate - District Porbandar : certificate for Peasantry

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check process for requesting matter of being an agriculturist is to get an example from Mamlatdar shree/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.

Online facility for Homeopathy Doctors to Renew Certificate

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

Facility of doing Online renewal of Homeopathy doctors

  • Registration required
  • Also available at   
    यू एम ए एन जी   
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Gujarat, Collectorate - District Morbi : certificate for Peasantry

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check process for requesting matter of being an agriculturist is to get an example from Mamlatdar shree/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.

Gujarat, Collectorate - District Mahisagar : certificate for Peasantry

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check process for requesting matter of being an agriculturist is to get an example from Mamlatdar shree/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.

Gujarat, Collectorate - District Junagadh : certificate for Peasantry

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check process for requesting matter of being an agriculturist is to get an example from Mamlatdar shree/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.

Gujarat, Collectorate - District Jamnagar : certificate for Peasantry

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check process for requesting matter of being an agriculturist is to get an example from Mamlatdar shree/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.

Gujarat, Collectorate - District Gir Somnath : certificate for Peasantry

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check process for requesting matter of being an agriculturist is to get an example from Mamlatdar shree/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.

Gujarat, Collectorate - District Dahod : certificate for Peasantry

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check process for requesting matter of being an agriculturist is to get an example from Mamlatdar shree/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.

Gujarat, Collectorate - District Dang : certificate for Peasantry

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check process for requesting matter of being an agriculturist is to get an example from Mamlatdar shree/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.