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2416 services

Gujarat, Collectorate - District Mehsana : certificate for Peasantry

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check process for requesting matter of being an agriculturist is to get an example from Mamlatdar shree/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.

Gujarat, Collectorate - District Gandhinagar : certificate for Peasantry

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check process for requesting matter of being an agriculturist is to get an example from Mamlatdar shree/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.

Gujarat, Collectorate - District Chhotaudepur : certificate for Peasantry

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check process for requesting matter of being an agriculturist is to get an example from Mamlatdar shree, Jan Seva Kendra, required document, fees and download application form.

Gujarat, Collectorate - District Narmada : certificate for Peasantry

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check process for requesting matter of being an agriculturist is to get an example from Mamlatdar shree, Jan Seva Kendra, required document, fees and download application form.

Telangana : Vacancy Remission Certificate Application Form

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

This service can be used by a citizen to apply for exemption from payment of property tax showing relevant documents as a proof of the fact that the house/building is vacant.

Gujarat, Collectorate - District Rajkot : certificate for Peasantry

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check process for requesting matter of being an agriculturist is to get an example from Mamlatdar shree, Jan Seva Kendra, required document, fees and download application form.

Telangana : Request for SADAREM Certificate Application Form

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

This service can be used by applicants when they apply for SADAREM certification (SADAREM = Software For Assessment Of Disabled For Access Rehabilitation and Empowerment)

Gujarat, Collectorate - District Botad : certificate for Peasantry

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check process for requesting matter of being an agriculturist is to get an example from Mamlatdar shree, Jan Seva Kendra, required document, fees and download application form.

Gujarat, Collectorate - District Bhavnagar : certificate for Peasantry

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check process for requesting matter of being an agriculturist is to get an example from Mamlatdar shree, Jan Seva Kendra, required document, fees and download application form.

Telangana: Orphanage Integrated Certificate Application Form

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

This application form can be used by citizens when an orphan or destitute, as a ward of the state, is being admitted to an orphanage which provides them with care, housing and education.