Requirements for obtaining Certificate of Enlistment Online in Kolkata, West Bengal
Users can get the requirements for obtaining Certificate of Enlistment Online in Kolkata
Local Candidate Certificate for Educational Institutional Purpose in Andhra Pradesh
Local Candidate Certificate for Educational Institutional Purpose in Andhra Pradesh
Telangana: Nativity Certificate relating to Scheduled Tribes(1-B): Application Form
This application form can be used by a citizen belonging to the Scheduled Tribe to apply for a Nativity Certificate.
Apply for Fire No Objection Certificate for a building in Ambala District, Haryana
Users can apply for Fire No Objection Certificate for a building in Ambala District, Haryana
Telangana:The Department of Registration & Stamps: Encumbrance Certificate (EC) Application Form
This application form helps a citizen to get an Encumbrance Certificate which ensures that the property has a clear title.
Telangana: Department of Revenue - Income Certificate (General); Application Form
This application form helps citizens to apply for an individual or family income certificate, that can be used for multiple purposes like fee reimbursement etc.
Telangana: Issue of Small and Marginal Farmers Certificate: Application Form
Using this application a citizen can get a Small and Marginal farmer certificate so that he / she can claim input subsidy, crop insurance, bank loans etc.
Telangana : Department of Road Transport Authority- Renewal of Fitness Certificate
"This service can be used by a consumer of Non- Transport Vehicle to apply for Fitness Certificate, after 15 years of registration of the vehicle. A subsequent renewal for every 5 years is to be done. "
Application for Amendment of Certificate of Registration Form No-IV (Rule 4) - Shops and Establishment Act
Shops and Establishment Act - Application for Amendment of Certificate of Registration Form No-IV (Rule 4) is a service that can be applied for online. The documents needed to apply, URL where more information about this service can be found, number of days within which the service will be delivered after submission of application, application form etc are listed here
Register/Login for Online Film Certificate Application, Processing and Issuance
Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) offers a form for Producers to register online