Issuance of Occupancy Certificate of Industrial Building in Municipal Areas, West Bengal
Issuance of Occupancy Certificate of Industrial Building in Municipal Areas is certification provided to the citizen by the government confirming the completion of the building. User registration is required for accessing the service.
Proforma for Pre-Shoot Fitness Certificate - Part-A, Animal Welfare Board of India
Get services for Proforma for Pre-Shoot Fitness Certificate - Part-A by Animal Welfare Board of India
Apply for Permanent Resident Certificate of Meghalaya required admission for Higher Studies
The Students of Meghalaya can apply for this Certificate. The Student will apply online and submit the following scanned documents 1. Birth Proof (Admit Card/ Birth Certificate), 2. Residential Proof (Voting Card/Ration Card /Electricity Bill/Any other Residential Proof/Patta/Telephone Bill ), 3. Education Proof (Highest Educational qualification), 4. in Case of a scheduled Tribe students - Scheduled Tribe Certificate 5. In case parent of applicant is in government service - then parents Government Service Proof 6. Supporting Documents indicating why the certificate is required and 7. Voters' Card of Self/Parent/Guardian. No Payment is required to avail this Permanent Residence Certificate. The System Generated, Digitally Signed Permanent Residence Certificate can be downloaded by the applicant, after receiving intimation in the form of an SMS.
Application for issue of Certificate of Registration as Seed/Plant Grower of Horticulture crops
This service can be used to obtain certificate as a seed/plant grower
Online issue of Heavy vehicle Drivers one day Training course certificate, Tamil Nadu
Online issue of Heavy vehicle Drivers one day Training course certificate
Application form for issue of a fresh Certificate of Registration for Vehicle in the name of the Financier in Jharkhand
Users can download the application form for issue of a fresh Certificate of Registration for Vehicle in the name of the Financier in Jharkhand
Apply for Test Issue of Permanent Temporary Residential Certificate, Arunachal Pradesh
This service is to apply for Test Issue of Permanent Temporary Residential Certificate from District Administration. This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Individuals can apply for this service.
Issue of Safety Certificate and Sanction for Energisation if installation is generally in order, Kerala
The electrical contractor shall carryout the work in accordance with the approved scheme and submit Completion report of works to the Chief Electrical Inspector / Electrical Inspector. Inspection of work is conducted and Sanction for Energisation is issued.
Shops and Establishment Act - Application for Amendment of Certificate of Registration Form No-IV (Rule 4), Bihar
Get service for Shops and Establishment Act - Application for Amendment of Certificate of Registration Form No-IV (Rule 4)
NOC for Post-Shoot Fitness Certificate Part-B, Animal Welfare Board of India
Get services NOC for Post-Shoot Fitness Certificate Part-B by Animal Welfare Board of India