Apply for Issuance of Non Creamy Layer Certificate (For the purpose of Govt. of India) at SDO Level, Bihar
This service is to apply for Issuance of Non Creamy Layer Certificate (For the purpose of Govt. of India) at SDO Level from General Administration Department. This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Individuals can apply for this service.
Apply for Issuance of Non Creamy Layer Certificate (For the purpose of Govt. of India) at DM Level, Bihar
This service is to apply for Issuance of Non Creamy Layer Certificate (For the purpose of Govt. of India) at DM Level from General Administration Department. This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Individuals can apply for this service.
Issue of Safety Certificate and Sanction for Energisation after submitting compliance report if there was non conformity, Kerala
The electrical contractor shall carryout the work in accordance with the approved scheme and submit Completion report of works to the Chief Electrical Inspector / Electrical Inspector. Inspection of work is conducted and Sanction for Energisation is issued after submission of conformity report.
Application form for issue of Income Certificate in West Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh
Users can download application form for issue of Income Certificate in West Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh
Application form for obtaining Income certificate in Kurung Kumey District, Arunachal Pradesh
Users can download application form for obtaining Income certificate in Kurung Kumey District, Arunachal Pradesh
Application form for NOC and Grant of Certificate of Vehicle in West Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh
Users cand download application form for NOC and Grant of Certificate of Vehicle in West Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh
Apply for The Contract Labour R and A Act 1970 - Amendment in Registration Certificate - Principal Employer, Chandigarh
This service is to apply for The Contract Labour R and A Act 1970 - Amendment in Registration Certificate - Principal Employer, Chandigarh from Labour (STATE). This is a G2B service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Institutions can apply for this service.
Application form for Permanent Residential Certificate in West Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh
Users can download application form for Permanent Residential Certificate in West Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh
Application form for Schedule Tribe certificate in West Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh
Users can download application form for Schedule Tribe certificate in West Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh
Application form for Scheduled Tribe Certificate in Dibang Valley District, Arunachal Pradesh
Users can download application form for Scheduled Tribe Certificate in Dibang Valley District, Arunachal Pradesh