Application form for Land Possession Certificate in Dibang Valley District, Arunachal Pradesh
Users can download application form for Land Possession Certificate in Dibang Valley District, Arunachal Pradesh
Apply for Progress Certificate for Middle Storey in Case of High Rise Building, Assam
This service is to apply for Progress Certificate for Middle Storey in Case of High Rise Building from Directorate of Town and Country Planning. This is a G2B service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Institutions can apply for this service.
Medical Certificate for issuing Learner License in West Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh
Users can download proforma of Medical Certificate for issuing Learner License in West Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh
Maharashtra: Duplicate Agri Technical Diploma Certificate (3 year Semi English Medium)
Check how to apply for Duplicate agri technical diploma certificate (3 year Semi English Medium) by the Agriculture Department,Govt. of Maharashtra.The Department will Provide Service Within 7 Days.
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Devbhumi Dwarka : Obtaining registration certificate for hotel and restaurant
Check process for obtaining registration certificate for the hotel and restaurant from Sub divisional Magistrate, Jan Seva Kendra, required document, fees and download application form.
Apply for Mutation of Property, (Pokku- Varavu Certificate (Malayalam)), Revenue Department, Kerala
This service is to apply for Mutation of Property (Pokku- Varavu Certificate (Malayalam)) (Cases without sub-division) from the Village Office
Gujarat, Collectorate - District Devbhumi Dwarka : Obtaining no objection certificate for petroleum storage
Check process for obtaining no objection certificate for petroleum storage District Magistrate/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.
Integrated Socio Economic Survey (ISES) - Income Certificate for Fee Reimbursement, Andhra Pradesh
Integrated Socio Economic Survey (ISES) - Income Certificate for Fee Reimbursement
Application for the issue of Duplicate Certificate of Registration and Intimation of Loss or Destruction (FORM-26), Puducherry
Users can download application for the issue of Duplicate Certificate of Registration and Intimation of Loss or Destruction (FORM-26)
Telangana : Department of Road Transport Authority- Issue of Fresh Registration Certificate in the name of Financier
"In case a consumer takes a loan from a financier, he or she can use this service to get a fresh Registration Certificate in the name of Financier."