Water and Sewerage Charges for Mathura-Vrindavan Municipal Corporation, Uttar Pradesh
Official website of Mathura Vrindavan Nagar Nigam, citizens can find all the details related to Nagar Nigam services such as Birth and death registration, Water & Sewerage, Business Licenses, Horticulture development, Parks development, Street lights etc. Users are required to register to avail online services.
Death Registration for Mathura-Vrindavan Municipal Corporation, Uttar Pradesh
Official website of Mathura Vrindavan Nagar Nigam, citizens can find all the details related to Nagar Nigam services such as Birth and death registration, Water & Sewerage, Business Licenses, Horticulture development, Parks development, Street lights etc. Users are required to register to avail online services.
Grievances for Mathura-Vrindavan Municipal Corporation, Uttar Pradesh
Official website of Mathura Vrindavan Nagar Nigam, citizens can find all the details related to Nagar Nigam services such as Birth and death registration, Water & Sewerage, Business Licenses, Horticulture development, Parks development, Street lights etc. Users are required to register to avail online services.
UIDAI Aadhaar Card Update Services
You can apply for update/correction of your Aadhaar Card data online. This service is provided by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). Users can update details such as name, gender, date of birth, address and mobile number. The request for correction/update can also be sent by post. Frequently Asked Questions are also provided to help users.
Apply online for Aadhaar Card data update/correction
You can apply for update/correction of your Aadhaar Card data online. This service is provided by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). Users can update details such as name, gender, date of birth, address and mobile number. The request for correction/update can also be sent by post. Frequently Asked Questions are also provided to help users.
Application Form for Arms Licence in Tamil Nadu
Apply online for arms licence in the state of Tamil Nadu provided by the Department of Police. Users can apply for fresh licence, renewal of licence and outstation licence. An applicant needs to fill up this online form with personal details such as name, gender, date of birth, address, occupation and contact numbers etc. to apply for the licence.
Haryana: Retest Fee of learning licences
Enter application no. and date of birth in order to pay the fee for the Retest of learning license application. Various other services related to new/old driving licence or learner's licence like Appointment Booking, Duplicate driving licence, Application Status, Online test for learner's licence, etc. may also be obtained on this portal.
Search for electoral rolls by Election Department of Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Search online for electoral rolls prepared by Election Department of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Users can check electoral rolls by house name, EPIC No. and elector’s name. Information about elector’s name, elector’s father’s name, age, date of birth, EPIC No. , polling station, house no., address, etc. can be retrieved.
Grant of Financial Assistance to parents having one girl child studying between 8th and 10th standards, Puducherry
This scheme aims at small family norms and promoting the welfare of the girl children and treats them as an asset and to share the burden of the parents at the time of marriage of the girl child. An amount of ₹25,000/- will be deposited as fixed deposit in Post Office in the form of National Savings Certificate in the name of the Girl Child. The maturity amount will be released when the girl child attains the age of eighteen years. Annual income should not exceed ₹24,000/- and the parents should produce a certificate to the effect that they do have only one girl child living and do not have any other issue and a study certifice from the school where their girl is studying.
Apply online for learner licence issued by Directorate of Transport in Goa
You can apply online for grant of learners driving licence issued by the Directorate in Goa, this service is provided through eServices Portal of Goa Government. To apply for the learners licence, users need to fill up this online form with details of vehicle for which licence is required, applicant name, address and contact numbers, and upload photographs, date of birth proof documents etc.