Know your Permanent Retirement Account Number Number (PRAN), Haryana
Haryana State government Employees may find out their PRAN (Permanent Retirement Account Number) by entering details such as Name, Date of Joining or Date of Birth etc.
Telangana: Department of Road Transport Authority - Authorization for National Permit: Renewal
Consumers can use this service to renew their national permit certificate if it gets expired or is about to get expired in a month's time. They need to provide the details of the original national permit certificate while renewal.
Check new GPF account details with Principal Accountant General of Haryana
Check details of new accounts of Government Pension Fund (GPF) by the Principal Account General of Haryana. Users can get details by the entering employee name, date of birth and department reference number.
Print Learner Licence (Form 3)
Learner Licence can be printed by the applicant by entering application no and Date of birth or the Learner Licence number
Know your License Detail
Citizens may retrieve their driving license details by specifying the driving license number in the specific format as guided by instructions available online, the date of birth ana d a captcha
Greater Hyderabad Muncipal Corporation (GHMC)
GHMC offers various citizen-centric services online e.g., Certificates of Birth, Marriage, Death; facility to pay property tax dues; applications to seek trade, building permits; viewing lists of GHMC playgrounds etc
Water & Sewerage Charges for Rajkot Municipal Corporation, Gujarat
Rajkot Municipal Corporation has provided online Application forms for Birth/Death Registration, Fire & Emergency Services / Water, Drainage /Water Tanker Services etc.
Check examination results online in Tamil Nadu
Check exam results online by Directorate of Government Examinations of Tamil Nadu. Users can access various exam results by providing registration number and date of birth.
Request Changes or Corrections in PAN Card Data
This link provides access to the NSDL e-Governance portal for individuals and entities who need to make changes or corrections to their existing PAN data. The online process allows users to update information such as name, date of birth, and address, ensuring that their PAN details are accurate and up-to-date.
Website of Municipal Corporation of Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala
The website provide detailed information of services provided by the corporation such as Birth and death registration, Water & Sewerage, Trade Licenses, Horticulture development, Parks development, Street lights, Social Security Pension and many more etc.