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3560 services

Gujarat, Collectorate - District Kheda : Issue of solvency certificates

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Check process for getting Solvency certificate from Mamlatdar/Talati/Jan Seva Kendra office, check required document, fees and download application form.

Gujarat, Collectorate - District Dang : Issue of solvency certificates

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Check process for getting Solvency certificate from Mamlatdar/Talati/Jan Seva Kendra office, check required document, fees and download application form.

Gujarat, Collectorate - District Mehsana : Issue of solvency certificates

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Check process for getting Solvency certificate from Mamlatdar/Talati/Jan Seva Kendra office, check required document, fees and download application form.

Gujarat, Collectorate - District Gandhinagar : Issue of solvency certificates

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Check process for getting Solvency certificate from Mamlatdar/Talati/Jan Seva Kendra office, check required document, fees and download application form.

Gujarat, Collectorate - District Jamnagar : Issue of solvency certificates

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Check process for getting Solvency certificate from Mamlatdar/Talati/Jan Seva Kendra office, check required document, fees and download application form.

Gujarat, Collectorate - District Narmada : Issue of solvency certificates

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Gujarat, Collectorate - District Narmada : Issue of solvency certificates

Avail online services of Surat Municipal Corporation

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

Avail various online services offered by the Surat Municipal Corporation, Gujarat. Users can check and pay property tax, professional tax, water meter charges, etc. Online application for birth certificate, death certificate, shop licence, etc. are also available. Users can also send feedback and file RTI application online.

Check permit fee for different transactions of Assam Transport Department

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Information on vehicle permit fee for various transactions offered by the Department of Transport of Assam is given. Users can get details related to permit fee, licence fee, registration fee, etc. Information on nature of permit, time duration, fee, licence type fee, etc. is also available.

Digital Infrastructure and Services, Haryana

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Jan Sahayak, citizen services monitoring system is an endeavour to the Haryana Government to ensure timely delivery of citizen centric services and provide open and free access to the citizens to be informed of the status of their applications. Users can access various citizen centric services such as SC certificate, ration card, learner’s driving licence, new electricity connection, water connection, vehicle registration, etc. Information regarding documents required, fees, work flow progress, e-filing, tracking status, etc. is also available.

Gujarat, Collectorate - District Sabarkantha : Obtaining nationality certificates for educational purposes

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check process for Obtaining certificates nationality certificates for educational purposes from Addl. District Magistrate/Jan Seva Kendra, check required document, fees and download application form.