Maharashtra: Varas Hastantaran Vishayak Seva
Apply for Varas Hastantaran Vishayak Seva in Maharashtra provided by the Slum Rehabilitation Authority Department. Information about documents required and guidelines to fill the form is given.The Department will Provide Service Within 30 Days.
Issuance of Provisional Certficate in compliance to Clinical Establishment Act, Jharkhand
Each Clinical Establishment needs Certificate in compliance to CE Act. This system allows online apply and issue of Provisional Certificate.
Check List for Fire Noc for Buildings, Faridabad, Haryana
Users can download the check List for Fire No Objection Certificate for Buildings in Faridabad, Haryana
Application Form for Training for Unemployed in Maharashtra
Apply for Unemployed Certificate in Maharashtra provided by the Rural Development and Panchayati Raj of the state. Information about documents required and guidelines to fill the form is given.
Apply for Housing Related Services, Karnataka
Get services for Housing Related, Karnataka
Check and search for registered titles with Registrar of Newspapers for India
Check and search for titles registered with Registrar of Newspapers for India (RNI). Users can search for details of registered newspaper titles by entering registration number, new registration number, state, language, title, year, periodicity or place of publication.
Application for Notice of Transfer of Ownership of a Motor Vehicle (FORM-29), Puducherry
Users can download application for Notice of Transfer of Ownership of a Motor Vehicle (FORM-29).
Food and Civil Supplies Department, Uttar Pradesh
Food & Civil Supplies (FCS) Department of UP provides informaton & links to service stakeholders & consumers who are eligible for various schemes such as National Food Security Act (NFSA), Ration Card Management System, Farmer registration, Supply Chain Management System etc
Application for Report of Transfer of Ownership of a Motor Vehicle (FORM-30), Puducherry
Users can download application for Report of Transfer of Ownership of a Motor Vehicle (FORM-30).
Check information on Consumer Grievance Redressal by TANGEDCO, Tamil Nadu
Check information on consumer grievance redressal provided by the Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited. Users can find detailed information on how to register a complaint pertaining to electricity services provided by the company.