Register a New Company or LLP - MCA
Ministry of Corporate Affairs offers e-Services on the MCA Portal, for which individuals are required to register. A Registered User has access to the basic e-Services of MCA. All users under this category have a 'Password' based login. A Business User has access to specific functionalities, in addition to all the basic e-Services of MCA which are available to a Registered User. Users under the Business User category have a 'DSC' (Digital Signature Certificate) based login and consist of practising members of ICSI/ICAI/ICWAI and individuals associated with companies.
Lodge your grievance against Central and State Government organisations
File your grievances against the Central Government Ministries, Departments and State Governments by filling up this online application form. This service is provided by the Portal for Public Grievances (PG Portal) under the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances. You have to select the Central Government Ministry/Department or the State Government Department's name and other relevant information. Details such as name, contact details, grievance description, etc. are also required. You can also attach supportive documents.
Online services by Commercial Taxes Department of Andhra Pradesh
Get access to online services offered by Commercial Taxes Department of Andhra Pradesh is given. Users can access online services such as e-Registration, e-Returns, e-Payments of VAT, TDS, e-Receipt, etc. Access to Commercial Taxes Department of Andhra Pradesh is also available.
Apply for Mutation of Property (Sub Division Cases), Revenue Department, Kerala
This service is to apply for Mutation of Property (Sub Division Cases) Received from the Taluk Office within 40 days in cases where there is no legal impediment or technical impediment
Register for e-return intermediary with Income Tax Department
Register to become an e-return intermediary with Income Tax Department. Registered e-Return Intermediaries are allowed to electronically file Income Tax Returns of eligible persons. Information about pre- requisite, registration procedure, documents required, registration fee, usage of digital signature certificate and data transmission test is given.
Online inclusion of name in electoral roll in Madhya Pradesh
Register online for inclusion of name in electoral roll in Madhya Pradesh. Users can do new registration, update existing registration or delete existing registration by selecting districts and assemblies. Online electoral roll registration form is given.
Register with Delhi Employment Exchange online
Get registered with Delhi Employment Exchange online. Users have to provide personal information such as name, father's name, date of birth, gender, category, etc. Physical fitness details of the candidate is also required. Present and permanent addresses with phone numbers are mandatory to complete the online registration process.
Check status of stolen vehicles in Chandigarh
Check status of stolen vehicles in Chandigarh. Users can enter details like registration number, engine number and chasis number to access information related to stolen vehicle.
Check details of registered vehicles of Himachal Pradesh
Check details of registered vehicles of Himachal Pradesh. Users can enter parameters such as registration number of a vehicle, date, owner name and code, colour, body type and submit it. Information of registered vehicle of the state can be obtained by providing details of a vehicle.
National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions (NCMEI)
National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions (NCMEI) enables online application for grant of Minority Status Certificate (MSC), in addition to letting applicants track status and access procedures etc for applying, and listing cause lists