Commercial Taxes
Commercial Taxes Department of Telangana enables citizens to avail various online services such as Dealer registration, GST filing, TIN verification (Tax Payer Identification Number), e-Payment of taxes etc
Apply for Verification of Genuineness Marks Card, Karnataka
The service is to submit an application request to obtain verification of genuineness of marks card/ dergree certificate
Grievances for Surat Municipal Corporation, Gujarat
Surat Municipal Corporation online complaint registration, the complaints are auto assigned to the concern officers on complaint category, complaint code and ward.
Haryana: Authorization Under Hazardous Waste Rules
Industrialists can obtain approval for Authorization Under Hazardous Waste Rules through this service. The process includes registration on, completion of a Composite Application Form, and selection of the service.
Telangana: Police Department: N.O.C Letter for Installation of Petrol Bunk or LPG Gas
This information and form can be used by citizens to apply for a No Objection Certificate to install a petrol bunk or store LPG gas or any other petroleum products.
Grievance Redressal in West Bengal
This service allows citizens of West Bengal to register their grievances, against which the concerned officer/department suggests necessary actions after validating the reason for grievance redressal. User registration is required for accessing the service.
Issuance of Blasting License (more than 5 kg), West Bengal
Issuance of Blasting License (More than 5 Kgs) is a service that allows a person to carry out blasting operations more than 5 Kgs. User registration is required for accessing the service.
Issuance of Firecracker manufacturing license (factory license), West Bengal
This service grants permission for Issuance of Firecracker Manufacturing License (Factory License). User registration is required for accessing the service.
Apply for NOC Request Application form for Import and Store Petroleum / LPG, Puducherry
This service allows entities to apply for a No Objection Certificate (NOC) to import and store petroleum or LPG for retail outlets, ensuring regulatory compliance.
Apply For RR Card - JKBOSE, Jammu and Kashmir
Class 9th students may register online on J&K State Board by specifying their school details, paying the fees and uploading eligibility certificate