SSDG e-Platform, West Bengal
West Bengal SSDG e-platform (State Service Delivery Gateway) offers various eServices online such as Fire Department Services, such as grant and renewal of licenses, safety certificates etc
Funding for Basic Research by Science and Engineering Research Board
SERB Project Proposal Management System for Promotion and Funding of Basic Research**: This system allows Project Investigators to register and manage their research proposals, facilitating tasks such as submitting new proposals, tracking progress, and managing utilization certificates.
Online Attestation - eSanad
Ministry of External Affairs provides eSanad, an online document verification/attestation/apostille service for verification of documents & certificates in a contactless, faceless, cashless and paperless way for Indian citizens, foreigners who have obtained documents from document issuing authorities (DIAs) in India.
NAD (National Academic Depository) - CVL NAD - Login
National Academic Depository (NAD) offers an online store house of all academic awards viz., certificates, diplomas, degrees, mark-sheets etc. duly digitised and lodged by academic institutions / boards / eligibility assessment bodies to ensure easy access to and retrieval of all academic awards that are validated and guaranteed for their authenticity and safe storage
NAD (National Academic Depository)
National Academic Depository (NAD) offers an online store house of all academic awards viz., certificates, diplomas, degrees, mark-sheets etc. duly digitised and lodged by academic institutions / boards / eligibility assessment bodies to ensure easy access to and retrieval of all academic awards that are validated and guaranteed for their authenticity and safe storage
Apply for certificates, eDistrict, Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu State government offers the facility to apply for certificates through its e-District Mission Mode Project under NeGP
Apply for ST/SC Certificates to Migrants, Jharkhand
This service is to apply for ST/SC Certificates to Migrants from Department of Revenue. This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Individuals can apply for this service.
Apply for Addition Qualification and Other Related Certificates, Haryana
This service is to apply for Addition Qualification and Other Related Certificates from Employment Department. This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Individuals can apply for this service.
Mutation for Land under Urban Improvement
Provides an online platform for applying and receiving mutation certificates for land plots, ensuring official recognition of changes in ownership.
Issuance of statutory forms
All the statutory forms can be filled online. It can be accessed only after login by the dealer. All the links available on the home page. All the statutory form application are processed end to end online and business or dealer can receive the certificates in his user account without physically visiting any office.