Obtain Marriage Certificate in Chhattisgarh
Citizen can submit their application online and get the marriage certificate
Chhattisgarh: Correction in Marriage Certificate
Citizen can submit their request for correction in already issued Marriage Certificate
Apply for Marriage Certificate, Tripura
This service is to apply for Marriage Certificate from Revenue Department. This is a G2C service. Applicants need to register to apply for this service. Individuals can apply for this service.
Marriage Certificate, Arunachal Pradesh
Marriage Certificate, Arunachal Pradesh
Marriage Certificate in Andhra Pradesh
Marriage Certificate in Andhra Pradesh
Application Form for Registration of Hindu Marriage in Tamil Nadu
Find the application form for registration of Hindu marriage under the Tamil Nadu Hindu Marriage (Registration) Rules, 1967 provided by Commercial Taxes and Registration Department of Tamil Nadu. Users can download the form and fill it according to their requirement.
Apply for Registration of Marriage at Private Residence in Tamil Nadu
Access to application form for registration of marriage at private residence in Tamil Nadu is given. Users can download the form and use it further. Instructions on how to fill the form are available.
Check status details of applications for marriage registration in Gurgaon
Check status details of applications for marriage registration with the Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon. Users can search details of existing marriage applications by entering application number and applicant’s name. In case application number is not known, users can view complete list of registered marriages. Information such as the application number, name of husband and wife, application date, expiry date and status of application is provided.
Hindu Marriage Registration Application Form, Andhra Pradesh
Get service for Hindu Marriage Registration Application Form, Andhra Pradesh
Application Form for Marriage Certificate in Haryana
Apply for Marriage certificate in Haryana provided by the Directorate of Urban Local Bodies of the state. Information about documents required and guidelines to fill the form is given. Users can fill the details in Hindi Language also.