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Chief Secretary List Govt. of India
A list of all Chief Secretaries to the various State/UT Governments in India is available here
Secretary List, Govt. of India
A list of all Secretaries to the Government of India is available here
Holiday List - DoPT
List of Holidays as notified through Live Circulars as per OM(s)/NOTIFICATION(s) is available here
Register for Testing and Evaluation National Test House
National Test House offers servies for testing and evaluation of materials, products, equipments, modules, systems and sub-systems in all branches of Science & technology; Calibration in the field of Electrical and non-electrical measurement against appropriate Reference Standards having traceability to National Standards is also offered.
Grievance Appellate Committee
The Grievance Appellate Committee (GAC) is an online dispute resolution mechanism. The entire appeal process, from filing to decision, is in digital mode. Grievance Appellate Committee (GAC) endeavours to resolve appeals within 30 days.
Check State Units of National Informatics Centre
Get information about state units of National Informatics Centre (NIC). The state units provide informatics support to their respective State Government. Users can get details of the concerned person, office address, contact details of the state units, etc.
Registration for Tribal Research Institute
The Tribal Research Institute (TRI) functions as the research arm of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs at the state level. TRIs concentrate on their fundamental duties as knowledge centers and research hubs, essentially acting as think tanks for tribal development. This entails preserving tribal cultural heritage, offering insights to states for evidence-based planning and suitable legislation, enhancing the capacity of tribal communities and individuals/institutions involved in tribal affairs, as well as disseminating information and fostering awareness.
Login to UNESCO - Regional Centre for Biotechnology
Institution of National Importance providing education, training and research is established by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India under the auspices of UNESCO. The Centre is focused on cooperatively working towards shared biotechnology growth in the Asia-Pacific Region.
Online submission information for Nanomission, DST
Get Information on Online Submission for Nanomission provided by the Department of Science and Technology (DST). The Department of Science and Technology is the nodal agency for implementing the Nano Mission. Capacity-building in this upcoming area of research will be of utmost importance for the Nano Mission so that India emerges as a global knowledge-hub in this field.
e-Granthalaya: A Digital Agenda for Library Automation and Networking
Get information about e-Granthalaya, a Digital Agenda for Library Automation and Networking. Details of consortium discussion forum, e-News clipping system, etc are also available. Users can search open access journals in computer science.