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Uttarakhand eGatepass
Information Technology Digital Agency (ITDA) (e-Gatepass) streamlines gatepass management through an electronic platform, enhancing efficiency in tracking and authorizing entry and exit of goods or individuals. This digital solution ensures secure and seamless access control for improved logistical operations.
eProMIS - Department Of Bio Technology
eProMIS (Electronic Project Management Information System) is an inititative to enable applicants to submit competitive Research Grant Project Proposals under various R&D programs of the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) round the year without waiting for specific call for proposals
State Information Commission, Chhattisgarh
Check and get information regarding Chhattisgarh State Information Commission
Chhattisgarh Academy of Administration, Chhattisgarh
Check and get information about Chhattisgarh Academy of Administration where training is provided.
Check lost/stolen Mobile Request Status
The Sanchar Saathi portal, an initiative by the Department of Telecommunications, offers accessible CEIR Services to subscribers throughout India. User can check lost/stolen Mobile request status on the portal using request id.
Request for un-blocking recovered/found mobile
The Sanchar Saathi portal, an initiative by the Department of Telecommunications, offers accessible CEIR Services to subscribers throughout India. To unblock a previously blocked mobile phone that has been recovered or found, users are required to fill out and submit an online form on the portal, providing information about the device for the unblocking process.
Chhattisgarh: Chhattisgarh State Wide Area Network
Check and get information about Chhattisgarh State Wide Area Network.
SMS Alerts to pensioners, Haryana
This service is used Pensioner to receive SMS from Finance Department regarding updation of Life Certificates and PPO updation.
Application for advertisements in souvenirs and special issues
This service will be availed by Newspapers magazines established firms in fine arts sports music dance etc to publish an advertisement from Information and Public relations departments in their special editions souvenirs etc
Chhattisgarh Council of Science & Technology (CCOST)
Get services for Chhattisgarh Council of Science & Technology (CCOST)