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Check Pension File Status Query by Integrated Financial Management System, Odisha
Retired employees of all Odisha state government aided educational institutions can generate yearly account slip, obtain information on missing credit or debit, payment of final or provisional GPF
SAMADHAN Portal for Industrial Disputes
Software Application for Monitoring And Disposal, Handling of Apprehended/Existing Industrial Dispute (SAMADHAN) allows online registration with the intent to make justice for workmen simple & quick
National Career Service - Job Search
National Career Service (NCS) is an online solution from Ministry of Labour and Employment for employers to post job openings and for those seeking jobs to apply for these positions, in both private as well as Government sectors.
National Career Service - Grievance / Feedback
National Career Service (NCS) provides an online mechanism to submit feedback, complaints, suggestions, requests
National Career Service for Job Seekers and Employers
Youth may login to their account and access the Assessment Test to take Psychometric and Aptitude Tests, which would guide them towards an appropriate career path
Website of Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) makes direct recruitment to state, subordinate and ministerial services. Users can get information about current employment opportunities, results of recruitment exams and schedule of exams. Information about department test notification and results, half yearly tests, proficiency tests and other departmental tests is also available. Details like annual reports, announcements, oral test, syllabus, etc. can be accessed. Users can also register online.
Arunachal Pradesh Staff Selection Board
The Arunachal Pradesh Staff Selection Board is the state agency authorized by the Government of Arunachal Pradesh to conduct the for entry-level appointments to the various departments and Services under Government of Arunachal Pradesh.
Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana, West Bengal
Get information of social security scheme for unorganized workers in West Bangal state. Workers are required to register online to avail these services.
Check Online Examination Results, General Education Department, Kerala
Check your examination results efficiently by using the designated platform, ensuring a quick and convenient method for accessing and confirming your academic performance.
Apply for Government Jobs, Public Service Commission, Kerala
Apply for government job vacancies by using the official application portal, opening opportunities for career prospects and government employment, streamlining the application process efficiently.