
1272 services

Shram Suvidha - Know Your Labour Identification Number (LIN)

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Verify Labour Identification Number (LIN) as Government of India plans to do away with all employer codes being issued by separate labour enforcement agencies such as ESIC, EPFO, CLC(C) and DGMS etc. by replacing them with new Labour Identification Number (LIN). If a unit has already been allotted a LIN then verify the information associated with the LIN (update of profile). The procedure to verify the information is given in

Shram Suvidha - One-Stop-Shop for Labour Law Compliance

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The Unified Shram Suvidha Portal offers reporting of Inspections, and submission of Returns. The Unified Shram Suvidha Portal is a single point of contact between employer, employee and enforcement agencies bringing in transparency in their day-to-day interactions. For integration of data among various enforcement agencies, each inspectable unit under any Labour Law has been assigned one Labour Identification Number (LIN)

Indian Occupational Safety and Health Information Network

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Get information about Indian Occupational Safety and Health Information Network (INDOSHNET). Detailed information related to government organisations, employer's organisation, worker's organisation, non-government organisation, industrial organisation is available. National Directory of all organisations is also given.

Application Forms for Employee - MoSPI

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Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation (MoSPI) provides various forms that its employees may access

Register with Directorate of Employment Delhi for jobs

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Employment portal is a service provided by the Directorate of Employment under Government of National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi. Job seekers can register, validate and maintain their profile for job search online in the NCR. Registered job providers can also submit job notifications. Users can access the list of registered and validated job seekers. Details of Employment Manual, vacancy notification, etc. are also available.

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Register with Delhi Employment Exchange online

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Get registered with Delhi Employment Exchange online. Users have to provide personal information such as name, father's name, date of birth, gender, category, etc. Physical fitness details of the candidate is also required. Present and permanent addresses with phone numbers are mandatory to complete the online registration process.

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Public Service Commission - Results, Mizoram

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Publication of results under Mizoram Public Service Commission

Check Status/Incomplete Forms (for Non-Departmental Examinations Only), Manipur

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e Manipur Public Service Commission website enables users to apply for posts through MPSC. To apply for any post in this eMPSConline website, intending candidates need to undergo a one time registration. After this they can update their profile with details like educational qualification, pesonal info etc. Links for recruitment, examination, application forms are present along with FAQ

State Employment Mission by Directorate of Employment of Odisha

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State Employment Mission by Directorate of Employment of Odisha is a placement linked training program for youth. Job seekers can register for training and jobs and check their registration status. Training provider can also register and check their registration status online. Information about courses offered for training and list of training providers is also available.

Online registration form for job seekers in Odisha

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Job seekers can register online with State Employment Mission by Directorate of Employment of Odisha for a placement linked training program. Job seekers can register with State Employment Mission by providing details such as personal details, address, choice of training, photograph, etc.