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Property Tax for Morena Municipal Corporation, Madhya Pradesh
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Property Tax for Murwara - Katni Municipal Corporation, Madhya Pradesh
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Property Tax for Ratlam Municipal Corporation, Madhya Pradesh
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Search Property, Amdavad Municipal Corporation, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Amdavad Municipal Corporation offers online search for property tax dues and tax payment status based on a 16 character Tenement Number
Property Tax for Ahmadabad Municipal Corporation, Gujarat
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e-Pay Land Tax Online - Loucha Pathap Land Record Information System, Manipur
Get services for Land Records in India have evolved over centuries. The Land revenue was the main source of revenue for Indian rulers and then for British. Manipur land record system.
e-AASTHI Citizen Application, Karnataka
The e-AASTHI citizen application is a property tax information system (Aasthi). Citizens can apply for E-Aasthi by filling out an online application and uploading the required documents.
Excise Supply Chain Information Management System, Delhi
The Excise Supply Chain Information Management System is an internet-based application that connects the Department of Excise, Entertainment, and Luxury Tax. The department regulates and controls the manufacture and trade of liquor and narcotics.
Website of Finance Department of West Bengal
Finance Department of Government of West Bengal is responsible for management of finances of the state government. It is concerned with all economic and financial matters affecting the state as a whole including mobilisation of resources and allocation of resources for infrastructural development, social welfare, human development and administrative purposes. Details related to acts and ordinance, budget, e-governance etc. can be obtained. Find information about circulars and memos like audit, budget, pension, revenue, etc. One can also find information regarding directorate, finance group jurisdiction, COSA, etc. Details related tender, administrator, photo gallery, forms, etc are given.
Link Aadhaar Card with PAN Card
It has become a mandatory process to link your PAN with Aadhaar. This is an important process because this will allow your income tax returns to be processed. For new applicants of PAN card, the Aadhaar PAN linking is done automatically.