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Obtain Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe Certificate in Delhi
Users can obtain detailed information related to procedure to apply and get the Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe Certificate in Delhi. Information related to documents, papers, issuing authority, eligibility criterion, etc. is given.
State Telephone Directory Service, Himachal Pradesh
Users can search for telephone numbers of departments/districts, officers' name using online state telephone directory service by Himachal Pradesh government. Links of emails, telephone numbers, PDF phone directory are also provided.
Application form to obtain proposals of development plan in Madhya Pradesh
Find an application form to obtain proposals of development plan in Madhya Pradesh. One needs to fill online form with details such as land owner's name, address, market, city and plot etc.
Search Madhya Pradesh government orders and acts
Users can search orders and acts of government departments of Madhya Pradesh. One needs to select a department, document type, and title and description to access the documents.
Check contact details of stamp vendors in Tamil Nadu
Check lists of stamp vendors in Tamil Nadu provided by the Department of Registration. Users can enter a keyword such as a name of stamp vendor and select the zone to get the information. One can find information about the vendor's name, address, license number, place of business etc. You can also select Zone to view all stamp vendors under the concerned Zone.
Check department-wise RTI compendium or handbook of Meghalaya government
Check department-wise Right to Information Act 2005 Compendium and Handbook provided by the State Information Commission of Meghalya. Users can select a government department of the state and public authority to access detailed information related to powers, duties of officers and employees. Rules, regulations, manual records and discharging functions of the department are also given.
E-tenders system for various departments of Municipal Corporation of Delhi
Check tenders of various departments of Municipal Corporation of Delhi. Registration is mandatory to file the tenders online. Users can check details of tender documents, contractors information, etc. Guidelines for contractors are also available. Department-wise tender list is also available.
Apply online for inclusion of name in electoral roll of Delhi
Users can enroll online for electoral rolls of Delhi. This facility is provided by the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of Delhi. Users need to go through FAQs (frequently asked questions) on becoming a voter before filling the enrollment form. Existing users can simply login to get details about voter lists. Access to registration form is also available for new users.
Check Himachal Pradesh Vidhan Sabha election results
Check online the election results of Himachal Pradesh Vidhan Sabha. Users will need to select a name of constituency to get the election result. Information about constituency name, total electorate, name of candidate, political party, votes obtained and percentage obtained can be checked.
Check questions of Legislative Assembly of Himachal Pradesh
Check questions of Legislative Assembly of Himachal Pradesh. Users can select the assembly session and get starred, unstarred and postponed questions asked by the members in the Legislative Assembly of the state.