Births, Deaths, Marriages and Child care

1579 services

Calculate your profession tax online by Corporation of Chennai

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Calculate your profession tax online provided by the Corporation of Chennai (COC). You need to select a number of employees in each income slot for average half yearly income given in the list to calculate tax. Total calculated profession tax can be known after taking into account the number of employees, enrollment amount and establishment amount.

Submit Grievances with Public Grievance Commission of Delhi

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Submit your grievances through an online grievance redressal form by Public Grievance Commission of Delhi. Users can register a complaint by providing details such as name of applicant, address, phone number, description of grievance, etc.

Apply for Birth Certificate, Goa

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Get services for Birth Certificate, Goa

Services portal of Andhra Pradesh government

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Find information about Andhra Pradesh government’s services. Facility of citizen login and government login are made available to the users. Online services such as utilities and taxes, bill payment, grievances to departments, registrations, market prices of commodities, etc. are available. Links for Government Resource Center are provided as well. Users can browse on topics such as travel and tourism, judiciary, agriculture, rural development, education, training and scholarships, etc. Information about various departments like IT and communications department, key contacts, publications, government initiatives, news and notification is also given. Users can access list of AP Online Centres and online application form for AP Online franchisee.

Check Tax Identification Number in Chandigarh

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Get details about Tax Identification Number (TIN) online by Chandigarh Administration. Users can get Tax Identification Number (TIN) details by entering their sale tax number.

Obtain Death Certificate in Chandigarh

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Get detailed information on how to obtain death certificate in Chandigarh. Details about check list documents, prescribed time schedule, addressed of concerned officer, fee prescribed, etc. are provided. Users can also download the application form. Information about verification procedures, Grievance Redressal System, etc. is also provided. Contact details are available too.

Check decisions on RTI appeals or complaints by Himachal Pradesh State Information Commission

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Check decisions of the State Information Commission on complaints and appeals made under the Right to Information Act to various government organisations of Himachal Pradesh. One can search details of the RTI appeal or complaint by selecting a case type, information commissioner, organisation and date.

e-Samadhan Public Grievance Monitoring System of Himachal Pradesh

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eSamadhan is an online public grievance monitoring system set up by the government of Himachal Pradesh. Users can submit application of grievances or demand, know current status of grievance or demand by entering application number. Users can also receive status of application through SMS and view other information like grievance cell, committees, etc. Login facility is available for various government departments and officials.

Human Resource Management Tool for government employees in Himachal Pradesh

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This is a Human Resource Management Tool for government employees in Himachal Pradesh. Users can login by selecting department and enter user ID and password to access information related to various employee services. The state government employees can access e-mail directory, e-salary slip, civil list etc. Link to online grievance monitoring system is also available. The schedules for various training programmes are also available. Employees can also check details of property returns filed by them. Notice board for providing various government departments orders is also given.

Check RTI disclosures of government departments of Himachal Pradesh

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Users can check the RTI disclosures made by government departments of Himachal Pradesh provided by the State Information Commission. Users can get RTI reports by selecting organization name, disclosure and date between which reports are to be viewed. Verification code has to be entered to submit the details and obtain information. Users can get reports in three different formats such as abstract, summary and detailed.