Births, Deaths, Marriages and Child care

1579 services

Check contact details of Public Information Officers of Himachal Pradesh

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

Users can check contact details of Public Information Officers of Himachal Pradesh. Detailed information about the public information officers can be seen by selecting organization, date and year. Verification code has to be entered to submit and obtain the information.

Verify your registered land records of Tamil Nadu

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

You can verify your registered land records online, this service is provided by the Tamil Nadu State Government through its e-Services portal. Users need to select the district, Taluk, village and provide the survey number, sub-division and reference number to verify the document.

Check land records of Chhattisgarh

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

Get information about land records of Chhattisgarh online by project Bhuinya. Users can select the name of the district to get the land records information. Links to Tehsils in Chhattisgarh, administrator, land record progress, etc. are given.

Lodge complaints with Warangal Municipal Corporation online

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

Register online complaints with the Warangal Municipal Corporation (WMC). Users can lodge a complaint by selecting the complaint type and locality. One needs to provide details like name, email id, phone number, address, house number and details of the complaint.

Know your service area person with Warangal Municipal Corporation

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

You can know who is your service area person online, this service is provided by the Warangal Municipal Corporation, Andhra Pradesh. Users need to provide their house number to check the details of service area person.

Apply online for encumbrance certificate in Tamil Nadu

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

Apply online for encumbrance certificate in Tamil Nadu. You need to provide information such as your name, address, zone, district, SRO, street name, village, house details, appropriate extent, and boundaries to submit the application form online. Help tips are also available to guide the applicants in applying for the certificate.

Check details of registered societies in Tamil Nadu

  • Service Maturity Icon  Informational

Check details of societies registered with the Registration Department of Tamil Nadu. Users can enter district, zone and society name to get information about the registered societies in the state. Search option by key words for society name is also available.

Check details of tenders released by Meghalaya state government

  • Service Maturity Icon  Partially Online

Check tenders released by various government departments of Meghalaya. Information like title, organisation name and type, tender reference number, product category, location, last submission date, etc. is provided. The names of state government departments, contact address, opening date and expiry date of all tenders are given.

Submit grievance application with Himachal Pradesh Government

  • Service Maturity Icon  Fully Online

Submit online application to lodge your complaints and grievances through e-Samadhan, the public grievances monitoring system in Himachal Pradesh. Users can submit their grievances regarding state government services by selecting application nature, Department, District and Office details. Information on status of online application can be obtained through sms by providing the mobile number.