Health and Wellness

602 services

Contact for Blood Transfusion Council, Tripura

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Tripura State Blood Transfusion Council was formed on 04-07-1996 as per direction of honourable Supreme Court, with the vision to setup a well organized blood transfusion service in our state as per the National Blood Policy.

Check information on Hospital on Wheels Programme in Tamil Nadu

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Check information on the Hospital on Wheels Programme provided by the State Health Society of Tamil Nadu. Details of health camps, places of camps, names of villages and population to be covered under the programme are given. Detailed information pertaining to implementation of health programmes in all districts of the state is provided.

Vaccination Appointment for International Travellers by Institute of Preventive Medicine

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International Travellers can book an appointment with Institute of Preventive Medicine for vaccination for yellow fever, MMR, meningitis, etc. through online Vaccination Appointment for International Travellers (VAIT) system. Users can register for appointment, check status of appointment, check appointment details report and cancel appointments. Guidelines for travellers and immunization are given. Details related to VAIT requirements, service charges and working hours are also available.

Apply for provisional certificate for clinical establishment

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Apply online for provisional certificate for your clinical establishment as provided under the Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Act, 2010. Users need to follow three steps to complete the registration form. One needs to first create a username and password, then login and apply for provisional registration. After successful completion of registration, one can get the provisional certificate. Users manual is also provided with instructions to avail this online service.

Check state wise status of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana

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Check state wise status of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) online. Users can access details about enrollment of beneficiaries by selecting state name. Information about the district name, year of policy, premium, enrollments commencement date, total target families and hospital empanelled can also be retrieved.

Search Details of Teaching Faculty in Medical Colleges

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Search online information about teaching faculty of medical colleges recognised by Medical Council of India (MCI). Users can search for detailed information about teaching faculties by entering name of the teacher. Information about teacher, their registration number, state and name of the college can be retrieved.

Search Colleges and Courses Recognised by National Medical Commission

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Search colleges and courses recognised by National Medical Commission. Users can search for various courses and colleges by filters such as course name, status, management, state, university and college name.

Registered Doctors Verify your Medical Council of India Certificate

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Registered doctors verify the Medical Council of India (MCI) certificate online. Users can verify details by selecting type of certificate such as provisional or permanent certificate for Indian or foreign qualifications and entering certificate number.

Register complaint with Government Medical College of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir

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Users can lodge their complaints with the Government Medical College of Jammu. One can lodge a complaint by filling up online form with details of complaint, name and email etc.

Check blood availability status in Government Medical College & Hospital of Chandigarh

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Check status of blood availability in Government Medical College & Hospital of Chandigarh. Users can get information about daily stock position of various blood groups available in the hospital.